Breonna Taylor’s name has been trending for months now. A horrific event happened involving 3 police officers that lead to the murder of Breonna Taylor. Breonna’s home was broken into around 2 am by the police. The police was trying to find a suspect who was already in police custody at this time. The police fired 6 shots into Breonna’s body, which killed her. After searching her home, they did not find any incriminating evidence against Breonna. Meaning she was completely innocent. An innocent life was taken and she deserves justice. On September 23rd, Breonna’s murderers were left off the hook. Only one officer was charged with wanton endangerment because he put her neighbor in danger for firing those 6 shots. Breonna Taylor did not receive any justice. African Americans all over America, as well as allies are furious over this decision. This left a huge impact in the black community because now black Americans do not feel safe or protected in a place they considered home. I distinguish this as systematic injustice because a black women did not get the justice. She did nothing wrong but she died and her killers are free. This speaks to the black community because they see this event underlying racism. In my opinion, I think all 3 of those officers should be in jail because their body camera were removed somehow which is illegal and they murdered a young women for no reason. These 3 officers need to go to jail because Breonna Taylor’s life mattered and she deserved way better. This relates to the topic of implicit bias, which we covered this semester. Implicit bias is an unconscious racial steotype made by an individual who already had certain thoughts on a social out group. During this event, the officers displayed implicit bias because they had previous thoughts on African Americans which led them to display these horrible actions. I am linking an article that contains the interview with Breonna Taylors boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. Walker was also at Breonna’s house when the officers broke in. He gave a very detailed explanation on what happened in his point of view. If you scroll to the very bottom of the article, you will find the recorded interview to watch. Breonna Taylor was a beautiful woman, whose job was to save people. I am attaching her picture so everybody can know what she looked like.