Context Research Presentation Week 9

The novel “The Leavers” tells the life experience and spiritual growth history of the two generations of “The Leavers.” Polly, a Chinese woman smuggled into the United States where she gave birth to her son Deming. Wandering in a strange land, after several discrete. Polly, the heroine, smuggles herself to the United States to realize her dream. But then encountered a dream shattered, involuntarily life. The depiction of female psychology in the novel is also vivid and delicate. The exquisite description of Chinese female Polly, or the self-growth and spiritual journey of modern women, reflects the self-awakening and pursuit of women.


In the 1960s and 1970s, the second wave of feminism came up with a famous slogan: “consciousness awaken.” And form”  consciousness awaken groups.” Inspired the awakening of female consciousness and promoted the development of the feminist movement. Since the 1980s, the development of western women’s consciousness awakening has been confronted with many difficulties. Its main position has shifted to university campuses and a large number of women’s gender studies disciplines have emerged. In the view of contemporary Western feminism, the revival of female consciousness presents a new trend of cultural politics and recognition politics.


But Chinese women are different. On the face of it, Chinese women have directly gained the rights stipulated by the Constitution since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. However, women have to admit that, in every link of their growth, they will always feel the traditional and authoritative control power of men over women. At the same time, because the beginning of the new China has always emphasized that women can hold up half the sky. What men can do women also can do. This propaganda has led to a general lack of normal female consciousness among Chinese women for several generations. Or the female consciousness is severely distorted and repressed. As a result, the growth of Chinese women has long been subject to hidden constraints. This kind of bondage is not only from the traditional view of men but also from the false sense of equality imposed on women. Completely ignoring the uniqueness of gender differences. Just physical strength, ability equality. And there is a fundamental lack of advocacy for equality in the soul and spirit.


There’s a certain courage in Polly. There is a sense of self-doubt and uneasiness. She loved her son Deming, her lover Leon, and her husband He Yong. But she never forgot herself. And the self she felt vaguely and yearned for.




10 thoughts on “Context Research Presentation Week 9

  1. I don’t know anything about Chineses culture so your post what really informative. I figured that China had some cultural views of men having power over women, like so many other cultures do. But what I didn’t t know was that the view had stayed so prevalent in the culture as it has. Over all, it was well written and showed that you put a good amount of thought and time into writing and researching.

  2. This give me a fair idea of Chinese culture. I think you do have a lot information here to help read get basic understanding of the cultural differences in around the world.
    Your research also pointed out the difficulties Western civilization in China. This kind off makes me a little aware of China and why there are so many restrictions in the country.

  3. I found your post to be extremely insightful and interesting, and I appreciate the context that you provided regarding both gender roles in Chinese society as well as on the Feminist movement. I would agree that society in mainland China favors what we would consider being outdated gender roles that restrict the opportunities available to women in the country. Great post!

  4. Thanks for your informative post. The traditional view of men and the false sense of equality imposed on women are gradually erased in the new China as you indicated that the beginning of the new China has always emphasized that women can hold up half the sky. I believe that a comprehensive equality will be reached in the future.

  5. Thank you for the very interesting post. I thought it was interesting to see the cultural differences throughout the world and especially in china since that is what this post it focused around. I would have to agree that China would be incomparable to the gender roles that are available in the US for women compared to females in the country. Its amazing how many different kind of restrictions they have in china.

  6. Thanks for you post! I think China is gradually getting rid of the feudal society of the past, and women’s rights are being defended. In the case of those people around me, none of the women I know are not working, and even many of them do better than men. This is actually a change in the minds of Chinese women who don’t think they should be limited into an identity, such as taking care of children at home. So it may be true that women and men in China are not equal enough, but compared with a hundred years ago, compared with the inferior society of men and women, society has made great progress.

  7. Thank you for your context connecting Chinese culture to The Leavers. My immediate thought when I think of Chinese culture is the restriction on births, so I appreciate your research and presentation her on the defense of women’s rights.

  8. This post was really informative and that I had no idea about this feminist movement in the 80’s but was very interesting to learn about. Also with the Chinese culture stuff which was very interesting to learn to give a better understanding of The Leavers. A very good blog post!

  9. Thank you for your post. It was very insightful and interesting to read. I agree that the american gender roles are incomparable to those in china. I was shocked to learn that they’re culture views men and women so unequally. I appreciate the time and effort you put into researching and writing the essay.

    • I read a Recent diary of systematic injustice showcase that explained the issues that arise in China. The passage went into explain the hardships and systematic injustices that Chinese people are experiencing from the coronavirus pandemic. V presentation specifically describes the presidents influence on the coronavirus epidemic and how his portrayal of the virus has affected Chinese people. This presentation reminded me of that essay, N I truly think that something needs to be done to stop Chinese people from being oppressed for something that is not in there control.

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