Riddell Revolution Helmets Commodity Chain



When we started think about what we wanted to do for our commodity project we wanted to do something that everyone would know but not think about doing. So we came up with using Riddell Revolution Helmets. Helmets are a piece of equipment that is used in the sport of Football. Football is Americas most popular sport but also one of its most dangerous. Football has a lot of controversy recently for the medical problems related to the brain of football players. Many players are degenerating in the mind due to all the contact taken from being hit. Players are able, in the pros, to produce on average a hit of over 1700 pounds of force(1). Players are getting bigger, faster, and stronger. The average in the 1930s was around only 900 pounds of force(1). That is a huge difference. When you get hit in the NFL it’s like getting hit by a car. But we understand that is in the NFL. Kids can start playing football around the age of 5. Football is a very popular sport and generates billions of dollars in revenue every year. Companies like Riddell are trying to produce safe helmets but we want to know where the pieces to an important commodity like the Revos(short for Riddell Revolution Helmets) are coming from. Helmets aren’t optional and must be worn at all times. This can make a company push the envelope on its raw materials.

In our Commodity Chain we will look at 7 groups of activities that will help us track where and how the Revos are produced and supplied. The first activity that we will use is Raw Material Supplier. This is where the materials at its basic point are acquired to start making the parts. This leads into our next activity for the commodity chain, which is the Part Supplier. The part supplier supplies the simple parts for to make the components supplies. This is the third commodity activity, Component Supplier. The component supplier combined with other component suppliers makes the final product. The final product is located at the 4th commodity. The fourth commodity activity is the Final Good Producer, which is Riddell. From there it moves to the fifth commodity activity which is Whole Sale. From there it moves to the sixth commodity that is the Retail sale. From the retail sale it moves to the seventh commodity activity that is Final Customer. These activities of the commodity chain will help our group explain where the Revos come from and who they go to.



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