
Throughout the course of the next four years, I plan to fulfill the global awareness through including travel into my study.  I would like to do a study abroad program for a semester, however, I am unsure if this will be feasible for me.  If I cannot study abroad, I want to take a trip abroad during a school break and spend some time shadowing doctors and other medical professionals.  Two places I would love to travel to and learn from doctors there are Italy and Spain.  I have always wanted to travel to Italy in order to experience the remnants of all the history that occurred there.  Additionally, I have been learning to speak Spanish since I was young and consequently, love the language.  I have dreamed of traveling to Spain, speaking the language with native speakers, and experiencing the culture I have learned about my entire life.  At some point in my undergraduate career, I plan to fulfill this dream.  To fulfill original inquiry, I will participate in research at some point in my undergraduate career.  I hope to be involved in research in the neuroscience field as that is my major and the topic I in which I am most interested.  I love that there still many mysteries in the field of neuroscience and I hope to contribute to solving some of those mysteries.  I will fulfill academic enrichment through choosing courses  with rigor that will challenge me as a student.  Therefore, I will take upper level and honors courses throughout my four years at Ohio State.  To fulfill leadership development I will find an extra curricular club that I am passionate about.  Although I am unsure what organization I would like to join yet, when I find one that I love, I want to take on a leadership role within the club.  However, if I cannot find organization that I feel suits me, I would like to start my own.  Specifically, I would be interested in started a book club, where each month students  decide on a book to read and then come together to talk about opinions and insights regarding the book.  Finally, I will fulfill service engagement through volunteering in the community, specifically volunteering at hospitals and in clinical environments.  I would specifically like to volunteer at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.  Throughout high school, I volunteered at local hospitals and my favorite volunteer experience was in the children’s hospital.  I would love to work children again as I am considering a medical career in pediatrics.

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