

Coleman, M. 2021. Teaching Race While White. Woke Pedagogies: An Arts & Sciences Approach to Excellence in Teaching. Season 1, Episode 3.

Coleman, M. (2020). Close Quarters. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space website, August 24.

Coleman, M. (ed.), Camp, J., Correia, D., Kaufman, E., Loyd, J., Shaw, I. and Wall, T. (2018). Review Forum: Police: A Field Guide. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space website, October 30.

Valdez, I., Coleman, M. and Akbar, A. (2017). Donald Trump says he’s just enforcing immigration law. But it’s not that simple. Washington Post, November 7.

Coleman, M. (2017). Sanctuary Cities and Immigration Reform. National Public Radio’s All Sides with Ann Fisher, January 31.

Coleman, M. (2017). What is a Sanctuary City? Human Rights in Transit Podcast, The Ohio State University, March 27.

Stuesse, A. Coleman, M. and Horton, S. (2016). Driving While Latino: For Immigrant Communities, Every Instance Behind the Wheel Becomes an Opportunity for Scrutiny at the Hands of Law Enforcement. Huffington Post, September 30.

Braun, B., Coleman, M. Thomas, M. and Yusoff, K. (2015). Grounding the Anthropocene: Sites, Subjects Struggles in the Bakken Oil Fields. November 3.

Coleman, M. and Thomas, M. (2014). Interview with Walaa Alqaisiya and Lisa Bhungalia, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space website, August 29.

Coleman, M. and Yusoff, K. (2014). Interview with Elizabeth Povinelli with Mat Coleman and Kathryn Yusoff. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space website, March 6.

Coleman, M. and Stuesse, A. (2013). Immigrant Policing, Not Immigration Enforcement. Prison Mini-Forum. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space website, September 24.


Coleman, M. and Agnew, J.A. 2018. eds. Handbook on the Geographies of Power. Edward Elgar.

Articles and book chapters

Valdez, I., Coleman, M. and Akbar, A. 2020. Law, State, Violence: Grounding and Embodying the State of Exception. Theory & Event. Vol. 23(4): 902-934.

Coleman, M. and Kocher, A. 2019. Rethinking the ‘Gold Standard’ of Racial Profiling: §287(G), Secure Communities and Racially Discrepant Police Power. American Behavioral Scientist. Vol 63 (9): 1185-1220.

Abrego, L., Coleman, M., Menjívar, C., Martínez, D. E., and Slack, J. 2017. Making Immigrants into Criminals: Legal Processes of Criminalization in the Post-IRRIRA Era. Journal on Migration and Human Security. Vol. 5 (3): 694-715.

Guevara, J.C., Stuesse, A., Coleman, M. 2017. I Used to Believe in Justice. In Forced Out and Fenced In: Immigration Tales from the Field. Edited by T. Golash-Boza. London: Oxford University Press.

Valdez, I., Coleman, M. and Akbar, A. 2017. Missing in Action: Practice, Para-Legality and the Nature of Immigration Enforcement. Citizenship Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2016.1277980: 1-23.

Coleman, M. and Yusoff, K. 2017. Interview with Elizabeth Povinelli: Biopolitics, Geontology, and the Anthropocene. Theory, Culture & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0263276417689900: 1-17.

Coleman, M. 2016. State Power in Blue (American Association of Geographers Conference Plenary Lecture 2015). Political Geography. Vol 51 (1): 76-86.

Coleman, M. 2016. Methodology and Identity in Research on Police Practices: Reply to Shah, Williams, and Woodward (American Association of Geographers Conference Plenary Lecture 2015). Political Geography. Vol 51 (1): 95-96.

Coleman, M. and Stuesse, A. 2016. The Disappearing State and the Quasi-Event of Immigration Control. Antipode. Vol 48 (3): 524-543.

Coleman, M. 2015. U.S. Immigration Enforcement: Then and Now, There and Here (Special issue in honor of Anssi Paasi). Nordia 44(4), 57-64.

Stuesse, A. and Coleman, M. 2014. Automobility, Immobility, Altermobility: Surviving and Resisting the Intensification of Immigrant Policing. City & Society.Vol. 26, no. 1: 51-72.

Coleman, M.  and Stuesse, A. 2014. Policing Borders, Policing Bodies: The Territorial and Biopolitical Roots of U.S. Immigration Control. In Placing the Border in Everyday Life. Edited by R. Jones & C. Jones. London: Ashgate: 69-124.

Coleman, M. 2013. Intellectuals of Statecraft and Critical Geopolitics. In Ashgate Companion to Critical Geopolitics. Edited by K. Dodds, A. Ingram & M. Kuus. London: Ashgate: 493-508.

Coleman, M. 2012. From Border Policing to Internal Controls in the United States. In The Companion to Border Studies. Edited by H. Donnan & T. Wilson. Oxford: Blackwell: 419-437.

Coleman, M. 2012. Immigrant Il-legality: Geopolitical and Legal Borders in the U.S., 1882-present (Special Issue: Migration, Mobility, and Geopolitics). Geopolitics. Vol. 17, no. 2:402-422.

Coleman, M. 2012. The Local Migration State: the Site-Specific Devolution of Immigration Enforcement in the U.S. South. Law & Policy. Vol. 34, no. 2: 159-190.

Coleman, M., Agnew, J., Murphy, A., Debrix, F., and Deudney, D. 2012. Reading Daniel Deudney’s Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Present. Political Geography. Vol. 31 no. 3: 389-398.

Coleman, M. 2011. Carl Schmitt’s Deterritorialization of Enmity. In Spatiality, Sovereignty and Carl Schmitt: Geographies of the Nomos. Edited by S. Legg. London: Routledge: 127-142.

Coleman, M. and Kocher, A. 2011. Detention, Deportation, Devolution and Immigrant Incapacitation in the U.S., post-9/11. The Geographical Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. Vol. 177, no. 3: 228-237.

Coleman, M. 2011. Topologies of Practice. Dialogues in Human Geography. Vol. 1, no. 3: 308-311.

Coleman, M. 2011. Complex Sites. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 29, no. 3: 399-408.

Coleman, M. 2009. What Counts as Geopolitics, and Where? Devolution and Immigrant Insecurity After 9/11.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Vol. 5, no. 99: 904-913.

Coleman, M. and Grove, K. 2009. Biopower, Biopolitics and the Return of Sovereignty.  Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 27, no. 4: 489-507.

Thomas, M. and Coleman, M. 2009. The Power and Performativity of Bush’s Mug.  Antipode. Vol. 41, no. 1: 6-12.

Coleman, M.  2008. Between Public and Foreign Policy: U.S. Immigration Law Reform and the Undocumented Migrant.  Urban Geography. Vol. 29, no. 1: 4-28.

Coleman, M. 2008. U.S. Immigration Law and its Geographies of Social Control: Lessons from Homosexual Exclusion during the Cold War.  Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 26, no. 6: 1096-1114.

Coleman, M. 2008. Power and Space in the Colonial Present.  Political Geography. Vol. 27, no. 3: 354-359.

Coleman, M. 2008. Deserting Sovereignty? The Securitization of Undocumented Migration in the U.S. In Geopolitics of American Insecurity: Terror, Power and Foreign Policy. Edited by F. Debrix & M. Lacy. London, England: Routledge:107-125.

Coleman, M. 2008. Immigratio=Criminale: L’Equazione Che Non Funziona. Limes – Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, no. 6: 169-178.

Coleman, M. and Agnew, J. A. 2007. The Problem with Empire. In Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography. Edited by J. Crampton & S. Elden. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate: 317-340.

Coleman, M. 2007. A Geopolitics of Engagement: Neoliberalism, the War on Terrorism, and the Reconfiguration of U.S. Immigration Enforcement. Geopolitics. Vol. 12, no. 4: 607-634.

Coleman, M. 2007. Immigration Geopolitics Beyond the Mexico-U.S. Border.  Antipode. Vol. 38, no. 1: 54-76.

Coleman, M. 2005. U.S. Statecraft and the U.S.-Mexico Border as Security/ Economy Nexus.  Political Geography. Vol. 24, no. 2: 185-209.

Coleman, M. 2005. Permeable Borders and Boundaries in a Globalizing World: Feeling at Home Amidst Global Poverty. In Holding the Line – Borders in a Global World. Edited by H. N. Nicol & I. Townsend-Gault. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press: 293-307.

Coleman, M. 2004. Geopolitics as a Social Movement: The Causal Primacy of Ideas?  Geopolitics. Vol. 9, no. 2: 484-491.

Coleman, M. 2003. The Naming of Terrorism and Evil Outlaws: Geopolitical Place-Making After 11 September.  Geopolitics. Vol. 8, no. 2: 87-104. Reprinted as Coleman, M. 2004. The Naming of Terrorism and Evil Outlaws: Geopolitical Place-Making After 11 September. In 11 September and its Aftermath – The Geopolitics of Terror. Edited by S. Brunn & D. Newman. London: Frank Cass: 87-104.

Coleman, M. 2002. Thinking about the World Bank’s “Accordion” Geography of Financial Globalization.  Political Geography. Vol. 21, no. 4: 495-524.


Ehrkamp, P., Coleman, M., Ashutosh, I., Conlon, D., Fluri, J. L., Nagel, C. R., Hyndman, J, and Wenona, G. 2017. Refugees in Extended Exile: Living on the Edge. The American Association of Geographers Review of Books. Vol. 6, no. 2: 124-132.

Coleman, M. 2009. Sovereignty. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Edited by R. Kitchin & N. Thrift. Oxford, UK: Elsevier: 255-261.

Coleman, M. 2009. Citizenship Across Borders: the Political Transnationalism of El Migrante (Ithaca: Cornell University Press), by M. P. Smith and M. Bakker. Progress in Human Geography. Vol. 33, no. 6. London, UK: 874-876.

Coleman, M. 2007. State of Exception (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2005), by G. Agamben. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 27, no. 1: 187-190.

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