
Our scholarly philosophy embraces four mutually-reinforcing tenets, including collegiality, expansion, equity, and innovation. To this end, CoIL currently houses the following major research projects.



Funded by ECMC Foundation, EDiCTS: Enhancing Diversity in Career and Technical STEM is designed to enhance diverse student recruitment, retention, graduation, and entry in the automotive technical workforce.

Learn more at:



The EmPOWERment Project is funded by a five-year multi-million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation. This project uses mixed methods to evaluate the experiences and learning outcomes of graduate students enrolled in a novel trans-disciplinary STEM program. This STEM program leverages cutting-edge pedagogies and practices in order to prepare graduates for the difficult work of effectively de-carbonizing commercial electricity production in the United States.

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Interfaith, Spiritual, Religious, and Secular Campus Climate Index (INSPIRES)

Funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, this project is a collaboration between Dr. Matthew J. Mayhew (The Ohio State University) and Dr. Alyssa N. Rockenbach (North Carolina State University). The INSPIRES Index is an assessment tool that measures, evaluates, and represents an institution’s efforts towards, and commitment to, establishing a welcoming climate for students of different worldview identities.
Learn more at:


HCAS CoverHow College Affects Students (Volume 3):
21st Century Evidence that Higher Education Works

This book expands on the work of Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini by bringing together the next generation of impact scholars to respond to criticisms concerning college and its place in society.
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