Journal Articles

Paul A. Beck (2002).  “Encouraging Political Defection:  The Role of Personal Discussion Networks in Partisan Desertions to the Opposition Party and Perot Votes in 1992.”  Political Behavior, 24 (4), 309-337

Paul A. Beck, Russell J. Dalton, Steven Greene and Robert Huckfeldt (2002).  “The Social Calculus of Voting: Interpersonal, Media, and Organizational Influences on Presidential Choices.”  American Political Science Review, 96 (1), 57-73.

Paul A. Beck, Richard Gunther, and Erik Nisbet (2018). “The Ground Game from the Voters’ Perspective.” Vox: The Mischiefs of Faction, January 22, 2018.

Russell Dalton, Paul Beck, and Robert Huckfeldt (1998).  “Partisan Cues and the Media: Information Flows in the 1992 Presidential Election.”  American Political Science Review, 92, 111-26

Russell Dalton et al. (1998).  “A Test of Media-Centered Agenda Setting: Newspaper Content and Public Interests in a Presidential Election.”  Political Communication, 15, 463-81

William P. Eveland, Osei Appiah, & Paul A. Beck, (2018).  “Americans are more exposed to difference than we think: Capturing hidden exposure to political and racial difference. Social Networks, 52, 192-200.

William P. Eveland, H. Song, and Paul A. Beck (2015).  “Cultural Variations in the Relationships Among Network Political Agreement, Political Discussion Frequency, and Voting Turnout.”  International Journal of Public Opinion Research, edv007.

Eveland, W. P., Jr., & Shen, F. (2021). “Cross-national variation in political discussion network size, distribution, and prediction.  Social Networks, 66, 100-113.

Andre Freire and Kats Kivistik (2013).  “Western and Non-Western Meaning of the Left-Right Divide Across Four Continents.”  Journal of Political Ideologies, 18 (2), 171-199.

Andre Freire and Kats Kivistik (2013). “Mapping and Explaining the Use of the Left-Right Divide.”  Brazilian Political Science Review 7 (3);

Seth K. Goldman and Diana C. Mutz, “The Friendly Media Phenomenon: A Cross-National Analysis of Cross-Cutting Exposure,” Political Communication 28 (2011)L: 42-66.

Ricardo Gonzalez, Esteban Munoz and Adolfo Fuentes (2024).  “Non-response in Name Generators Across Countries and Survey Modes,” Social Networks 79 (2024), 93-103.

Ricardo Gonzalez, Bernardo Mackenna,  Andres Schermann, and  Alfredo Joignant (2024). “Fairness beyond the ballot: A comparative analysis of failures of electoral integrity, perceptions of electoral fairness, and fairness beyond the ballot across 18 countries.  Electoral Studies,  January 2024  DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102740.

Richard Gunther, Paul A. Beck, and Erik C. Nisbet, (2018).  Fake News Piece for The Conversation with methodological appendix-11d0ni9, The Conversation, Feb. 15, 2018.

Richard Gunther, Paul A. Beck, and Erik C. Nisbet, (2019).  “‘Fake News’ and the Defection of 2012 Obama Voters in the 2016 Presidential Election.”  Electoral Studies

Richard Gunther and José Ramón Montero (2003).  “Legitimidade política em novas democracias.”  Opinião Pública [São Paolo], 9, #1, abril.

Richard Gunther and José Ramón Montero (2001).  “The Media and Democratization in Spain,”  European Political Science, 1 (1), 13-16.

A. Habib and Collette Schulz-Herzenberg (2011).  “Democratization And Parliamentary Opposition in Contemporary South Africa: The 2009 National and Provincial Elections in Perspective.”  Politikon, 38 (2).

Robert Huckfeldt, et al. (1998).  “Ambiguity, Distorted Messages, and Nested Environmental Effects on Political Communication.”  Journal of Politics, 60, 996-1031

Robert Huckfeldt, et al. (1995).  “Political Environments, Cohesive Social Groups, and the Communication of Public Opinion.”  American Journal of Political Science, 39, 1025-54

Mona Krewel, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Ansgar Wolsing (2011). “The Campaign and its Dynamics at the 2009 German General Election.” German Politics, 20 (1), 28-50.

Matthias Krönke, Sarah J. Lockwood and Robert Mattes (2022).  “Party Footprints in Africa: Measuring Local Party Presence Across the Continent.”  Party Politics, 28 (2), 208-222.

James H. Liu, Ken’ichi Ikeda and Marc Stewart Wilson (1998).  “Interpersonal Environment Effects on Political Preferences: The ‘Middle Path’ for Conceptualizing Social Structure in New Zealand and Japan.”  Political Behavior, 20 (3), 183-212

Sarah Lockwood, Matthias Krönke, and Robert Mattes. “Party Footprints in Africa: Measuring Local Party Presence Across the Continent.” Party Politics (2022) 28/2: 208-222. ISSN: 1354-0688 /DOI: 10.1177/13540688211008352.

Robert Mattes, Matthias Krönke and Sarah Lockwood, “Political Parties and Democracy in South Africa,” In Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy: Organization, Resilience and Reform, pp. 490-511. Edited by Thomas Poguntke and Wilhelm Hofmeister. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. ISBN: 9780198888734 / DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198888734.003.0023.

José Ramón Montero (with Andres Santana, Jose Rama and Rodrigo Arellano).  2018.  “Elecciones parlamentarias en Chile 2017: los perfiles de los votantes.  ” Análisis, 29, 2018.  Centro de Políticas Públicas, Facultad de Gobierno, Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile); (álisis-nº29.pdf).  

Jose Ramon Montero (with Andres Santana and Jose Rama).  2019.  “Las elecciones parlamentarias chilenas de 2017: características de los votantes y factores de voto”, en América Latina Hoy, 81, (

Jose Ramon Montero (with Andres Santana and Jose Rama).  2920.  “Reassessing Downs: Testing the Influence of Voters’ Characteristics in a Chilean Presidential Election. ” Journal of Politics in Latin America, 12(1), 2020, pp. 77-103; DOI, 10.1177/1866802X20913886; en

José Ramón Montero, Richard Gunther, and Mariano Torcal (1998). “Actitudes hacia la democracia en España: Legitimidad, descontento y desafección.”  Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas,” 83, julio-septiembre, 9-40.
Also published as “Legitimidad, descontento y desafección: El  2018caso español.” Estudios Públicos (Santiago, Chile), 74, otoño 1999, pp.107-149.

José Ramón Montero, Richard Gunther, and Mariano Torcal (1997).  “Democracy in Spain: Legitimacy, Discontent and Disaffection.”  Studies in Comparative International Development, 32, 3, 124-160.

José Ramón Montero, Mariano Torcal and Richard Gunther (2004).  “Les sentiments antipartis en Europe du Sud.”  Pôle Sud: Revue de Science Politique de L’Europe Méridionale, 20, 167-190.

Diana C. Mutz (2002).  “The Consequences of Cross-Cutting Networks for Political Participation.”  American Journal of Political Science, 46 (4), 838-855

Diana C. Mutz and Paul S. Martin (2001).  “Facilitating Communication across Lines of Political Difference: The Role of Mass Media.”  American Political Science Review, 95 (1), 97-114

Robert Nyenhuis and Collette Schulz-Herzenberg. “Failure to Launch? The Lack of Populist Attitudinal Activation in the 2019 South African Elections.” The Journal of Modern African Studies 61, no. 2 (2023): 257–79. doi:10.1017/S0022278X23000046.

Julia Partheymüller and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2012). “A ‘Social Logic’ of Demobilization: The Influence of Political Discussants on Electoral Participation at the 2009 German Federal Election.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 22 (4), 457-478.

Robert Rohrschneider, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Franziska Jung (2012). “Short-Term Factors Versus Long-Term Values: Explaining the 2009 Election Results.” Electoral Studies, 31 (1), 20–34.

Anne Schäfer (2015). “Differential Learning in Communication Networks: Interpersonal Communication Moderating Influences of News Media Usage on Political Knowledge.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research (online: doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edv019).

Andrés Scherman, Nicolle Etchegaray, Magdalena Brown, Diego Mazorra and Hernando Rojas (2022).  “WhatsApp, Polarization, and Non‐Conventional Political Participation: Chile and Colombia Before the Social Outbursts of 2019.”  Media and Communication, 10 (4) 77-94.

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Julia Partheymüller (2014). “A Two-Stage Theory of Discussant Influence on Vote Choice in Multiparty Systems.” British Journal of Political Science (online first). []

Rüdiger Schmitt Beck (2014). “Euro-Kritik, Wirtschaftspessimismus und Einwanderungsskepsis: Hintergründe des Beinah-Wahlerfolges der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) bei der Bundestagswahl 2013.” Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen , 45 (1), 94-112.

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Oana Lup (2013). “Seeking the Soul of Democracy: A Review of Recent Research into Citizens’ Political Talk Culture.” Swiss Political Science Review, 19 (4), 513–538.

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Julia Partheymüller (2012). “Why Voters Decide Late: A Simultaneous Test of Old and New Hypotheses at the 2005 and 2009 German Federal Elections.” German Politics, 21 (3), 299-316.

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Ansgar Wolsing (2010).  “European TV Environments and Citizens’ Social Trust: Evidence from Multilevel Analyses.”  Communications, (35), 461-483

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2003).  “Mass Communication, Personal Communication and Vote Choice: The Filter Hypothesis of Media Influence in Comparative Perspective.”  British Journal of Political Science, 33 (2), 233-259

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2003).  “Mass Communication, Personal Communication and Vote Choice: The Filter Hypothesis of Media Influence in Comparative Perspective.”  British Journal of Political Science, 33, 233-259

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (1998).  “Mediennutzung und Wahlentscheidungen: Fünf westliche Demokratien im Vergleich.”  Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 29 (), 676-705

Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (1994).  “Intermediation Environments of West German and East German Voters: Interpersonal Communication and Mass Communication during the First All-German Election Campaign.”  European Journal of Communication, 9, 381-41

Collette Schulz-Herzenberg. (2014).  “The Influence of the Social Context on South African Voters.”  Journal of Southern African Studies, 40: 4, 839-859.

Collette Schulz-Herzenberg. (2019).  “To Vote or Not? Testing Micro-Level Theories of Voter Turnout in South Africa’s 2014 General Elections.”  Politikon, Vol. 46 (2). /02589346.2019.1595879

Collette Schulz-Herzenberg. (2019).  “The New Electoral Power Brokers: Macro and Micro Level Effects of ‘Born-Free’ South Africans on Voter Turnout.”  Commonwealth & Comparative Politics. DOI: 10.1080/14662043.2019.1621537

Collette Schulz-Herzenberg and Robert Britt Mattes (2023).  “It takes two to toyi-toyi:1 one party dominance and opposition party failure in South Africa’s 2019 national election.”  Democratization (2023), 1-22.

Amy Erica Smith (2015).  “The Diverse Impacts of Politically Diverse Networks: Party Systems, Political Disagreement, and the Timing of Vote Decisions.”  International Journal of Public Opinion Research.

Paul W. Thurner and Angelika Eymann (2000).  “Policy-Specific Alienation and Indifference in the Calculus of Voting: A Simultaneous Model of Party Choice and Abstention.”  Public Choice, 102 (1-2), 49-75.

Mariano Torcal and Josep M. Comellas (2022).  “Affective Polarization in Times of Political Instability and Conflict:  Spain from a Comparative Perspective.”  South European Politics and Society.  DOI 10.1080/13608746.2022.2044436.

Mariano Torcal and Pedro C. Magalhães (2022).  “Ideological Extremism. Perceived Party System Extremism and Support for Democracy.”  European Political Science Review (2022), 1-18.

Mariano Torcal and Gerardo Maldonado (2014).  “Revisiting the Dark Side of Political Deliberation: The Effects of Media and Political Discussion on Political Interest.”  Public Opinion Quarterly, 2014, pp. 1-28,

Mariano Torcal, José Ramón Montero and Richard Gunther (2003).  “Ciudadanos y partidos en el sur de Europa: los sentimientos antipartidistas.”  Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 101, enero-marzo 2003, 9-48.

Katrin Voltmer & Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2001).  “Bad News–Cynical Citizens? Political Information and the Emergence of Civic Culture”, European Political Science, 1, 20-22