I work on a number of software projects/ pieces of code that I hope will be useful to the astrophysics community. My personal GitHub is clark2668, and you can find my GitHub page here: https://github.com/clark2668.
I currently serve as a principle developer for the ARA data analysis framework AraRoot. I have contributed code to the simulation package for the next generation radio-based neutrino detector, NuRadioMC. I am particularly involved with its “acceleration” features, like the GSL C++ based implementation of the ray tracing, which allows the most computationally intensive part of the code to proceed 10x faster than a pure python implementation.
I also contribute to a few other packages:
- The ARASim Quality Control Software (AraSimQC) for checking and validating the ARA simulation suite.
- The ARA Data Acquisition Firmware: https://github.com/ara-daq-hw. Most of this code is pure C, either done in the CCS or Energia framework. I am particularly involved with the ARAFEMaster and the ARAFE slave/slave tester projects.
- The Genetic Programming Antennas Project: https://github.com/gp-antennas.