Matthew Harper (The Ohio State University)
Murakami and Ohtsuki have shown that the Alexander polynomial is an -matrix invariant associated with representations of unrolled restricted quantum at a fourth root of unity. In this context, the highest weight of the representation determines the polynomial variable. In this talk, we discuss an extension of their construction to a link invariant , which takes values in -variable Laurent polynomials, where is the rank of .
We begin with an overview of computing quantum invariants and of the case. Our focus will then shift to . After going through the construction, we briefly sketch the proof of the following theorem: For any knot , evaluating at , , or recovers the Alexander polynomial of . We also compare with other invariants by giving specific examples. In particular, this invariant can detect mutation and is non-trivial on Whitehead doubles.
Harper, Matthew, “Verma Modules over Restricted at a fourth root of unity”,
Harper, Matthew, “A generalization of the Alexander Polynomial from higher rank quantum groups”,