What is a braidoid diagram?

Neslihan Gügümcü (Izmir Institute of Technology and University of Goettingen)

In this talk we first review the basics of the theory of knotoids introduced by Vladimir Turaev in 2012 [1]. A knotoid diagram is basically an open-ended knot diagram with two open endpoints that can lie in any local region complementary to the plane of the diagram. The theory of knotoids extends the classical knot theory and brings up some interesting problems and features such as the height problem [1,3] and parity notion and related invariants such as off writhe and parity bracket polynomial [4]. It was a curious problem to determine a “braid like object” corresponding to knotoid diagrams. The second part of this talk is devoted to the theory of braidoids, introduced by the author and Sofia Lambropoulou [2]. We present the notion of a braidoid and analogous theorems to the classical Alexander Theorem and the Markov Theorem, that relate knotoids/multi-knotoids in the plane to braidoids.

[1] V.Turaev, Knotoids, Osaka J.of Mathematics 49 (2012), 195–223. https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.4133

[2] N.Gugumcu and S.Lambropoulou, Braidoids, to appear in Israel J.of Mathematics, https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.06053

[3] N.Gugumcu and L. Kauffman, New Invariants of Knotoids, European J.of Combinatorics, (2017), 65C, 186-229, https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03579

[4] The Guassian parity and minimal diagrams of knot-type knotoids, submitted.

Invariants of framed links from cohomology of ternary self-distributive structures

Emanuele Zappala (University of South Florida)

In this talk I recall the definitions of shelf/rack/quandle and their cohomology theory. I also give the construction of cocycle invariant of links, due to Carter, Jelsovsky, Kamada, Langford and Saito (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 3947-3989). Then, I introduce higher arity self-distributive structures and show that an appropriate diagrammatic interpretation of them is suitable to define a ternary version of the cocycle invariant for framed link invariants, via blackboard framings. I discuss the computation of cohomology of ternary structures, as composition of mutually distributive operations, and a cohomology theory of certain ternary quandles called group heaps. Furthermore I mention a categorical version of self-distributivity, along with examples from Lie algebras and Hopf algebras, and the construction of ribbon categories from ternary operations that provide a quantum interpretation of the (ternary) cocycle invariant. 



Elhamdadi, Mohamed, Masahico Saito, and Emanuele Zappala. “Higher Arity Self-Distributive Operations in Cascades and their Cohomology.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.00440 (2019).

Elhamdadi, Mohamed, Masahico Saito, and Emanuele Zappala. “Heap and Ternary Self-Distributive Cohomology.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.02877 (2019).

Zappala, Emanuele. “Non-Associative Algebraic Structures in Knot Theory.” (2020).

Lower bounds on the tunnel number of composite spatial theta graphs

Scott Taylor (Colby College)

The tunnel number of a graph embedded in a 3-dimensional manifold is the fewest number of arcs needed so that the union of the graph with the arcs has handlebody exterior. The behavior of tunnel number with respect to connected sum of knots can vary dramatically, depending on the knots involved. However, a classical theorem of Scharlemann and Schultens says that the tunnel number of a composite knot is at least the number of factors. For theta graphs, trivalent vertex sum is the operation which most closely resembles the connected sum of knots.The analogous theorem of Scharlemann and Schultens no longer holds, however. I will provide a sharp lower bound for the tunnel number of composite theta graphs,using recent work on a new knot invariant which is additive under connected sum and trivalent vertex sum. This is joint work with Maggy Tomova.

Rotational Virtual Links, Parity Polynomials and Quantum Link Invariants

Lou Kauffman (University of Illinois-Chicago & Novosibirsk State University)

This talk discusses virtual knot theory and rotational virtual knot theory. In virtual knot theory we introduce a virtual crossing in the diagrams along with over crossings and under crossings. Virtual crossings are artifacts of representing knots in higher genus surfaces as diagrams in the plane.

Virtual diagrammatic equivalence is the same as studying knots in thickened surfaces up to ambient isotopy, surface homeomorphisms and handle stabilization. At the diagrammatic level, virtual knot equivalence is generated by Reidemeister moves plus detour moves. In rotational virtual knot theory, the detour moves are restricted to regular homotopy of plane curves (the self-crossings are virtual). Rotational virtual knot theory has the property that all classical quantum link invariants extend to quantum invariants of rotational virtual knots and links. We explain this extension, and we consider the question of the power of quantum invariants in this context.

By considering first the bracket polynomial and its extension to a parity bracket polynomial for virtual knots (Manturov) and its further extension to a rotational parity bracket polynomial for knots and links (Kaestner and Kauffman), we give examples of links that are detected via the parity invariants that are not detectable by quantum invariants. In the course of the discussion we explain a functor from the rotational tangle category to the diagrammatic category of a quantum algebra. We delineate significant weaknesses in quantum invariants and how these gaps can be fulfilled by taking parity into account.

The slides for the talk are given below:



Kauffman, Louis H, Rotational virtual knots and quantum link invariants, https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.00578