Maggie Miller (Princeton University)
Abstract: David Gabai showed that a minimum-genus surface in a knot complement remains minimum-genus when capped off into the zero-surgery on that knot, implying that surgery on a nontrivial knot can never yield (thus proving the Property R conjecture). I study this problem for links. In particular, I show that if is a 2-component link with nonzero linking number and nondegenerate Thurston norm on its complement, then there exists a finite set so that if is norm-minimizing and not in up to scalar multiplication, then is norm-minimizing in the 3-manifold obtained from by doing Dehn surgery on according to . (The result generally holds for -component links with -dimensional.) The proof involves constructing a taut foliation on with nice boundary properties, motivated by Gabai’s proof of the Property R conjecture.
Miller, M., The effect of link Dehn surgery on the Thurston norm.