
About this project

This research aims to inform and improve the management of public involvement in policy development. This research is unique due to its explicit focus on both the individual and the institutional capacities for participation. In order to understand if this approach is meaningful, the study utilizes completed case studies of citizen participation to identify dominant patterns. It is hypothesized that participation will look different dependent upon the amount of citizen interest and commitment as well as the amount of opportunity for and responsiveness to participation demonstrated by the institution. The extent of these expected differences is explained more fully in the training section of this site.

What’s this about getting paid?

Because establishing patterns of participation will require the review of numerous case studies with more than one person reviewing each case, this project will pay $5 for the review of each selected article. There is no time requirement. There is no minimum or maximum number of articles that you may review. However, for every article reviewed you will be given one entry into a raffle for a $100 gift card.

Who can participate?

Anyone who successfully completes the training will be given the password to the articles page of this site along with some indication of which article to review. If you are a fast reader, you may request the assignment of up to five articles at a time. Each review form includes a space to indicate if you wish to have another article assigned or not.

How long do I have to participate?

In general, there is no requirement or deadline associated with the review of your assigned article. If you have been unresponsive to inquiries about your progress for an extended period, however, your article may be reassigned and you may forfeit your compensation. This project will run until August 1, 2015 or until all article reviews are completed. The $100 gift card raffle will occur on August 31st,2015 and the winner contacted by email immediately.