
We welcome your feedback on this initiative. In addition to conducting focus groups with the CFAES community, we have a survey available with the following questions.


Q1: What will be the most important trends or emerging issues involving technology in the next 2-5 years? (e.g., These could be in your work, teaching and learning, program delivery, research).

Q2: When you think about your knowledge and experience with any aspects of information technology in your role (your office, your lab, your department, etc.), what is working well?

Q2a:  Not so well?

Q3: Let’s dream a little… Imagine you fell asleep and woke up in 5 years to the ideal environment with technology that supports and enhances all aspects of our mission and your work. You might consider your work/daily productivity, teaching and learning, program delivery, and research. What if key University IT priorities including mobile first, empowering teaching innovation, and advancing research were fully realized?  Describe the most important characteristics of your ideal IT environment.

Q4:  If you could pick one thing to change, improve, or enhance about IT services, what would it be?