I am a 1989 graduate of the OSU College of Optometry, received a PhD in physiological optics in 1994, and have been a full-time faculty member at the College since 1996. I was inspired by mentors that I have had over the years as an optometry student, graduate student, and faculty member – luminaries such as Arol Augsburger, Joe Barr, Mike Polasky, and Karla Zadnik.
At the College, I am currently a Professor of Clinical Optometry and serve as a member of the Admissions Committee. I am also the faculty advisor to Epsilon Psi Epsilon and the Optometry Student Council. I am passionate about recruiting and admitting the 64 best possible students to each year’s entering class. I love educating the outstanding students here at Ohio State and have been privileged to receive both the Herbert G. Mote Award from εψε and the American Optometric Student Association Faculty Member of the Year Award.
In addition to my passion for the College, I also have a strong commitment to service to the optometric profession. I served on the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Optometric Association (OOA) from 2003 – 2011 and as OOA President in 2010. Additionally I have served the American Optometric Association (AOA) as a member of the AOA Faculty Relations Committee from 2004-2012 (chair 2007 – 2012). I also served on the AOA Publication and Education Committee. I also serve the American Academy of Optometry, previously as a member of the Faculty – Student Liaison Committee and now as a member of the Admittance Committee. Additionally, I have served the National Board of Examiners in Optometry as Clinical Skills Exam Site Coordinator at Ohio State from 1998 – 2011 and as a member of the Clinical Skills Examination Development Committee from 2006 – 2012. But for Ohio State, I cannot imagine how different my life would be.