In June 1961, after graduating summa cum laude from the OSU School of Optometry, we returned to Toledo. Within the first 30 days, we purchased our first home and had our first child, and I began to see patients in my father’s practice. In 1963, I established my own private practice.
I jumped into Toledo community activities such as service clubs, PTA chair, church superintendent, etc. and was selected three years in a row as one of Toledo’s Outstanding Young Men. Also, in 1963 I received a call from one of the senior optometrists who said, “You are too young and too dumb, but you’re all we have; will you be our next zone governor?” This unexpected call changed my optometry life; I began a 30-year career in the various levels of optometric association activities. In 1965, I was elected to the Ohio Optometric Association (OOA) Board and served seven years, ultimately becoming the youngest President in OOA history in 1970-71. Incidentally, my first assignment as a trustee was to research and prepare a report to the membership on the impact of a new controversial federal program called Medicare. In 1972, I was named Ohio’s Optometrist of the Year.
After OOA service, I was asked to be a part of the American Optometric Association (AOA) leadership structure. Over the next 19 years, I had the privilege and honor to be a member or chair in 35 different organizational entities. In 1977, I was elected to the AOA Board and spent the next nine years on the Board, ultimately becoming the 62nd President of the AOA in 1983-84. Although these years were very draining physically and economically (180 days on the road as AOA President!), it was an incredibly rich experience for our entire family.
After the AOA, we relocated our practice, and I settled into a rather tranquil life in Toledo. There are three ODs in the current practice, and I continue to see patients for about 30 hours per week. Retirement is not in our vocabulary.
My current optometric activity is chairing the annual Eye Ski Optometric Educational Conference in Park City, Utah, now in its 28th year. The meeting draws 70 ODs from all across the country for top-notch education and skiing.
Apart from the office, we have been blessed with three very successful and creative “middle-aged” kids: Tammy, Tim Jr., and Todd, along with three beautiful and talented granddaughters. Barb and I celebrated our 54th wedding anniversary on September 5th and have been fortunate to remain in good health. My main vice is the Sylvania Country Club, where I am a past president and play golf four days a week. Barb and I both enjoy all active sports including golf, snow skiing, bicycling, gym work-outs, and hiking, along with traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad.
Yes, indeed, the past 52 years have been very good to us, and optometry was a great decision!