Service interruption on Friday, 21-Aug-15, starting at 5:00 p.m.

We need to perform off-line maintenance on computing services in CBC before the semester begins. In particular, we have just received instruction from our vendor that we must upgrade the firmware on our storage subsystems ASAP to maintain system integrity.  We will start work at 5:00 p.m. on 21-Aug-15. We will end all work by 12:00 midnight that evening, if not before. I will send out an email to all faculty, staff, and graduate students if our work is complete sooner than midnight.

We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

Yours, JD

Service interruption on Friday, 14-Aug-15, starting at 5:00 p.m.

We need to perform off-line maintenance on computing services in CBC before the semester begins. In particular, there are a number of pending security updates for both Windows and Linux servers that must be applied.  We will start work at 5:00 p.m. on 14-Aug-15. We will end all work by 12:00 midnight that evening, if not before. I will send out an email to all faculty, staff, and graduate students if our work is complete sooner than midnight.

We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

Yours, JD

Network access for instrument systems will change starting 17-Aug-15

Starting 17-Aug-15, all computer systems on the CBC LAN that cannot take regularly scheduled security updates will be moved to the CBC restricted network.*  This group of systems includes all instrument control computers that are configured to only take updates when approved by an operator at the console.

The CBC restricted network will allow for access to most services in department.  It will not allow for access to any resources, web sites, etc., outside the CBC LAN.  Instrument systems on this restricted network can be accessed by outside vendors for diagnostic purposes, but only if prior arrangements are made with Computer Support.

In most cases, you will not notice a change in service.  For example, you will still be able to save data to a CBC file server like winfs or linuxfs.  However, this networking change will make it impossible to use instrument computers for web browsing, reading email, and other tasks that require general internet access.

If you have any questions, please contact

– JD Wear, Director of Computer Support Services

*This is a university requirement for all computer systems that use campus networks.  Restricting access to unpatched systems is a valid network security measure on an open, (and therefore malware friendly), network like the CBC LAN.