CBC Computer Support continues work to prepare for the move of computers, user accounts, and services to the ASC domain. Impacts of this move on CBC:
- Usernames on the new domain will all be of the form name.n. To log onto a computer in CBC, long-time users will no longer use legacy formats of usernames but will instead use their OSU usernames and passwords. E.g., instead of the username jsmith, one would use smith.4242. This change will not affect any email aliases that users depend on. Continuing with the example, jsmith@chemistry.ohio-state.edu will continue to work as an email address for smith.4242.
- All users of CBC computing resources will need to be either employed or enrolled at OSU, or they need to have sponsored guest access. The form to request sponsored guest access can be found at http://ascbsc.osu.edu/forms. As of now, the process to request access is relatively painless.
- This move will cause general service interruptions as well as interruptions to workflows for specific users and research/staff groups. These interruptions are unavoidable, but we commit to minimizing the inconvenience to our users.
- During the next year, we will institute minimal management controls on all OSU-owned computing equipment. All OSU-owned computing equipment will require an OSU non-cap asset tag, a desktop management client installation, and when appropriate an anti-malware software installation.
These changes will be beneficial to the department. For example, we will have single sign-on and the end of roaming profiles on Windows systems. At the same time, these are not discretionary changes. CBC Computer Support is acting on college and university requirements.
(See this post for related information.)