Email Transition ?s – What about my iPhone?

Q. What about accessing my email via my iPhone (or other mobile device) 
    after the transition?
A. If you currently have this set up- You shouldn't see any significant change 
    in the settings if that is the case. 

After the initial downtime is complete tonight you will be able to send and receive 
mail as normal. The standard folders like Inbox, Sent, Drafts, etc will be available 
(actual names may vary from those listed slightly). It may take a few days 
(will take a few days) to move over your other folders, so during this time you 
will not see them. If your existing mail folders (with a time stamp affixed to their 
name) do start to show up, resist using them until you receive an email confirmation
 from Computer Support that it is OK to do so to avoid any corruption by changing 
them while they are still being moved.
If you do not have access configured on a mobile device and need help doing so, 
contact and we can instruct or assist you in this.