There will be a brief mail outage while we manage service load.
Month: June 2009
WinFS Reboot Complete
The Friday evening WinFS reboot is complete.
John Puskar
Chemistry Windows Support
Windows File Server Reboot – Friday 06.12.09 @ 10PM
Chemistry Computer User,
The windows file server will be rebooted for updates Friday night (06.12.09) at 10:00PM.
All windows file services will be offline during this procedure.
Expected downtime will be less than one hour.
WinFS Reboot Complete
The saturday morning WinFS reboot is complete.
John Puskar
Additional WinFS Reboot Saturday Morning
WinFS will we rebooted again Saturday morning sometime between 9AM and 10AM to complete the installation of a service pack. Total downtime is expected to be 10 minutes.
Computer support is currently in the planning stages of implementing a clustered file server to reduce the need for these reboots, but it’s still a long way off (if even possible).
Thank you,
John Puskar
mail was down briefly this morning (up now)
I had to restart the s-tunnel service on chemistry to remedy it. let us know if you are still having issues.
UPS Calibrations Possible Network Outage Friday Night
Jim Robbins will be performing UPS calibrations Friday night at 8PM. This may result in temporary localized network outages. Expected time of completion is 1 hour.
Thank you,
John Puskar
Chemistry Windows Support
WinFS Reboot Friday Night at 9PM
The windows file server named WinFS will be rebooted Friday night for updates and to solve a problem with error reporting.
This will happen Friday, June 5th at 9:00PM. Total downtime should not exceed 30 minutes.
This information has also been posted to the chemistry IT blog at
Thank you,
John Puskar
Chemistry Windows Support
www webserver back up
as are related virtual webs