A reminder about securing your credentials

If you receive an email similar to the following, do not respond:

Dear Webmail User,The Helpdesk Program that periodically checks the size of your e-mailspace is sending you this information. The program runs weekly to ensureyour inbox does not grow too large, thus preventing you from receiving orsending new e-mail. As this message is being sent, you have 18 megabytes(MB) or more stored in your inbox. To help us reset your space in ourdatabase,please enter your current user name(_________________) password(_______________)You will receive a periodic alert if your inbox size is between 18 and 20MB. If your inbox size is 20 MB, a program on your Webmail will move youroldest e-mails to a folder in your home directory to ensure you cancontinue receiving incoming e-mail. You will be notified this has takenplace. If your inbox grows to 25 MB, you will be unable to receive newe-mail and it will be returned to sender. All this is programmed to ensureyour e-mail continues to function well. Thank you for your cooperation.Help Desk.Important:

Email Account Verification Update ! ! !

Do not fall for this kind of scam. If you are questioning if a request for information, account info, passwords, etc. is real. Ask us. We’re happy to help.