About The Conficker Worm
The Conficker worm (set to “strike” today) has been receiving much coverage. Most antivirus software could detect and block the Conficker worm, so if you have updated antivirus software on your computer, you are at a much lower risk of being infected by the Conficker worm. To be sure your departmental WINDOWS computer is up to date, locate the McAfee icon in your System Tray (bottom right) and select “Update Now…”(see attached below).
What if your department computer becomes infected with the Cornficker Worm?
Definitely let us know if you suspect that your department PC is infected. If your computer is infected with the Conficker worm, you may be unable to download certain security products, such as the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool or accessing certain Web sites, such as Microsoft Update.
As always, with questions email support@chemistry.ohio-state.edu. For more info on this security theat, visit here: http://www.microsoft.com/protect/computer/viruses/worms/conficker.mspx