Scifinder preference/license change (via Belinda Hurley)

As discussed in a summer faculty meeting last year, the inactivity timeout on SciFinder is (finally) going to be reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes in the hopes of freeing up seats more often.  As also discussed, this means that the site.prf file for every single installation must be replaced.  (That’s the annoying little file you have to move when you install the software.)

IF you are running a current version of SciFinder all you need to do is remove the old site.prf and replace it with the new one.

The new site.prf file can be downloaded using the following links.  If you are running a current version of SF, you don’t need to read the entire page to which these links lead — you only need the section entitled “Download and Replace Site.prf”

(When prompted,use your OSU name.# and password.)
Windows site file
Mac site file

Step by step instruction are also available here.  (Includes instructions for those not running a current version.)

If you have any questions or problems, please contact me.

NOTE:  Effective 3/2/09 installations of SF running with the old site.prf will not function.


Belinda L.  Hurley
175 W. 18th Avenue, 490E              105 W. Woodruff Ave., 573 MacQuigg
Science & Engineering Library          Fontana Corrosion Center
University Libraries                           Materials Science & Engineering
The Ohio State University                 The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH  43210                      Columbus, OH  43210
Ph:  614.688.5800                            Ph:  614.292.2749
Fax:  614.292.3062                          Fax:  614.292.9857