NOBACKUP space temporarily available

The NOBACKUP space is currently available at the server named ‘oldbackup’. To reach this server, perform the following steps:

  1. click ‘start’ then ‘run’.
  2. type ‘\oldbackup’ and press ‘ok’.

We will need to bring this space down at the end of the day for the next two days (about 6PM) to stabilize it. Please have your data saved and closed by 6PM.

Unfortunately, this is the best solution we can offer until our new SAN is installed.

BACKUP server data troubleshooting – UPDATE

John Puskar was able to recover the data on the server BACKUP. Good work John!

Barring any further catastrophe- It will take between 1/2 to 1 and 1/2 DAYS to restore the data due to size- there are 9TBs of data on this device.

Updates will be posted as available.

Expect a communication in the very near future regarding the use of this volatile storage space. I sent a communication back in July warning about the nature of this storage. That it is not backed up makes it extremely risky for everyday use. If you have data that you absolutely must have- storing it in a space marked NOBACKUP is not a good idea. If there is a hardware failure, act of God, or some other circumstance there is generally no way to recover data without backups. Luck and John’s skill saved the data this time.

BACKUP server data troubleshooting

This was posted to the support blog here:

We are currently troubleshooting a partition table corruption problem with data attached to the server BACKUP.

All data on this device may have been lost in this corruption, but we are trying to recover it.

This includes:

  • research lab logs (NMA, Mass Spec)
  • non-backed-up storage store in NOBACKUP areas or similar
  • Historical backups
  • Current Windows file server backups and Guest VM backups
  • Old Misc. stored data

Time is of the essence due to the need to initiate and complete Windows file server and Guest VM backups- to avoid a more widespread loss of data in the event of naturally occurring issues (example: RAID array degradation).

Updates will be sent out as available.

Account Maintenance

During the remainder of the year we will be doing Windows account maintenance. This means:

  1. We are performing upgrades to the Windows file server.
  2. You should see no significant impact on services
  3. Increased user quotas. Free space increased on the existing, congested windows server.
  4. Graduate student accounts will be moved first. Faculty and staff will follow after the first of the year.
  5. You can assist us and help things go smoothly by logging out at the end of each day or when you are not using your Windows computer.
  6. If you receive an ‘Account Disabled’ notice please wait 15 minutes and try to log in again.
  7. If you see any significant impact or encounter issues with your windows account, please email for assistance.

UPS Virus (and viruses in general)

Becky Gregory alerts us to a potential virus threat this morning. Her notice is useful, and a reminder to be vigilant when choosing which mail to trust and which to seek help about.

She received an email regarding tracking a package via UPS- with an attachment. She did not order a package and the zip file is most likely a virus. It is best to delete these emails immediately or, as in Becky’s case, send us an email. See below.


Following a spate of viruses purporting to be about undelivered UPS parcels, we are receiving some virus messages which seem to be targeted at University mail recipients. It looks something like this:


Subject: UPS: Your Tracking #(long number)

Sorry, we were not able to deliver postal package you sent on November the 25th in time because the recipient’s address is not correct.

Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.
If you do not receive package in ten days you will have to pay 36$ per day.

Your UPS Support Team


Do NOT open attachments, and do NOT reply. Thanks for the notification Becky. Raising alerts like this, and informing everyone keeps us all safer from these kinds of threats.

NOBackup Space Outage

The chemistry nobackup space will be going down from 11:00AM until noon.

We are migrating the nobackup shares to another server to make room for a new backup system that we are testing for use in the department. This is happening outside of the regularly scheduled maintenance window due to the vendor’s availability for helping us install the new backup software.

As always, feel free to contact via any of the normal channels.

Thank you,
John Puskar
Systems Manager
Chemistry Windows Support