Meetings are normally scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 11am in MP 2015.
The first meeting has been pushed back to June, 23rd @ 11am in MP2015 to accommodate the ACS meeting (CERMACS) and The Spectroscopy Symposium.
Many research groups have in the past had a point person or local admin doing some of the group’s computer administration, for example Windows software installations. Computer Support is here to help, so to have a better view of user needs we are resurecting the ChemRAT (“Chemistry Research Administrator Team”) user group. I have invited members of research teams and certain staff to be part of this group. (If you feel I have missed someone let me know)
Oftentimes, people only get to see IT support when there are problems. We’d like to be proactive, share our plans with you to avoid surprises, and receive feedback about what works and what doesn’t. We also hope that ChemRAT members will have ideas about new and different services we can provide for research groups and staff. Finally, this is a great chance to get to know one another better.
This will be a recurring event- 2nd Thursday of each month @ 11am in MP 2015. I’ll send out a reminder and it will be posted on the Computer Support Blog: