Email throttle eased.

The recently enforced email throttle has been eased.  It allowed all queued email messages to be delivered.

All email services should should now be working and available.

Email services will continued to be monitored throughout the rest of the day.

Chemistry Server Performance: Mail Down (Temporary)

The Chemistry server is again currently running slow trying to keep up with imap connections. You may note performance issues until resolved.

There will be a brief outage of email (making new imap connections) following this message to manage an imapd storm and prevent system-wide service outages.

Chemistry Server Performance: imap process throttle

The Chemistry server is currently running slow trying to keep up with imap connections. You may note performance issuses until 1:30pm or as late as 2:00pm.

There will be a brief outage of email (making new imap connections) following this message to manage an imapd storm and prevent system-wide service outages.

ChemRATS: please assign one if you have not

In an effort to provide the highest level of service possible the Computer Support Group is reviving the ChemRAT program. Please nominate a ChemRAT from your research group. You can email that assignment to

The purpose of the ChemRAT program is to provide each research group with a liaison to Computer Support to facilitate the flow of information both ways. This will allow us to mitigate the impact of system and service changes and better understand your research group needs.

Ideally each group will have one ChemRAT member who will attend a monthly meeting and have a direct line to Computer Support for questions, issue resolution, etc.

There have been several attempts to revive this group over the previous years with varying levels of success. I believe with our current staff we have reached the level of stability that will produce results this time around.

Thanks for your help with this important project.

Research Lab Break in

Please make sure that you take personal items home that are of value. Some research labs and the graduate student office were broken into last night. Absolutely every drawer in the lab, every storage area, including the chemical storage areas, and every drawer in the desks were opened and sorted through. The glass on the lab door was shattered and removed; then the thieves obviously let themselves into the lab.

Computer Thefts in PRB

There was a laptop theft today in PRB room 2131 between 2:30-3:00 pm. It was an IBM T60. A police report was filed.

Please be vigilant and lock your doors when you leave your office or lab.
Report any suspicious activity to OSU Police.

Disk encryption is a viable alternative to losing a laptop that may contain sensitive data to theft, reporting it, and incurring the financial and related costs.