
Blog Post 4: Analyzing the Neighborhood

  • The overall food environment is not the best in this section of the Linden area. There is sufficient lighting via streetlights and building lights. The sidewalks are in sufficient areas, but they are not well kept. Most of the time there is heavy, congested traffic. There is a bus route that travels down Cleveland Avenue, which is the major street in this area. There is high crime and safety is an issue.
  • There are limited options for healthy foods. Most families would need to travel outside of their neighborhood to fin an adequate grocery store. There is an urban garden at a local community center, but it would also be outside of the 2-7 block square.
  • The area is food insecure because it does lack a major grocery store. There was a Kroger in the area, but it closed a few years ago due to financial difficulties.
  • The area is a food swamp because there are several fast food chains, convenience stores, and liquor stores flooding the area. These unhealthy food options threaten the health of the residents.
  • There are several changes that can be made to improve the food ways of the neighborhood. Establishing a major grocery store would provide residents with adequate food options. There could also be more programs to educate families about food sovereignty and proper nutrition. Limiting the amount of fast food restaurants in the area could also help improve health. The Linden area is one of the most food insecure areas in the city and major changes need to be made to improve the community.


Blog Post 3: The Concept Map

I have attached a photo of my concept map that displays how urban design, transportation, and the natural environment impacts the health and vitality of a city. Regarding transportation, the planning of this aspect is to maintain and improve economic health and quality of life. For these to take place the city should prioritize mass transit and pedestrian trends. Traffic issues and congestion should also be considered when planning for a healthy city. The natural environment includes green spaces, which are a vital for cities. These spaces have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. They increase socialization, exercise, and provide an escape from the fast paced society. Climate change causes migration. When groups of people migrate to a new city it increases congestion causing overpopulation and homelessness. Environmentally conscious practices can help promote a healthier natural environment.  Helping to preserve our natural environment promotes sustainability and has economic benefits. As for urban design, it is important that the city is place where citizens have a positive experience with their environment in order for it to thrive. There is limited interaction between social and economic classes due to segregation. This leads to inequities in essential areas including education, transportation, healthcare, food, and more. Urban design also impacts the economy of the city. Income and taxes also impact how well the city is maintained.

Interactions between transportation and urban design are seen through suburbanization. As highways were created, people began to migrate to suburbs which decreased the amount of money in the inner city. The commutes to work were longer and many lost their jobs. Limited mass transit made it impossible to reach some destinations without a car. Highways cut through Black communities, which negatively impacted the community in many ways. Limited walkability of the communities also negatively impacted the city. The interaction between urban design and the natural environment is seen through the integration of the nature and urban design. Green spaces created throughout cities are vital. Deforestation to create new developments have a negative impact, creating a loss of natural resources and which can negatively impact health. The interaction between transportation and the natural environment are very similar to urban design and the natural environment. There is deforestation to create highways, factories, and developments. There are also high levels of pollution as more vehicles travel along the highways contaminating the air and water. Mass transit could help decrease the pollution levels but there are limited routes that travel from the inner city to suburbs.

The Cities: Skylines simulation captures many of these interactions well. When creating the city, you must have clean water and low pollution levels to have a successful city. Near the industrial zone one can see how the pollution impacts nearby citizens. Through the traffic feature one can see how well traffic is flowing and where improvement is needed. The best way to improve traffic is utilizing the mass transit tool. As the city is expanded deforestation takes place but it is also an option to create green spaces for citizens. The simulation does lack the social dynamic of a real city. Aspects such as segregation, social and economic classes, inequities, and more are not apparent in the simulation. This is unfortunate because these aspects play a vital role in reality.



Blog 2

I decided to study a relatively new residential development in Northeast Columbus. The first interesting aspect I chose to look into is street safety. I have been familiar with this area for a number of years, so I know there is little to no sidewalks. As the neighborhood was being developed sidewalks were created to line the edge of the neighborhood and Sunbury road. Seeing that there are only two blocks of sidewalk, it seems as if it was created for the aesthetic rather than pedestrian use. There is a safe street crossing opportunity on the Alum creek trail, this is directed by a traffic light. Most users are on bike so the timing is sufficient for one to cross the two lanes. One thing that could be improved is the bus stop at the crosswalk. The stop is a new feature on this part of Sunbury. It would be safer for pedestrians to have a clear space to stand. The street is not well lit after sundown and this is potentially dangerous for anyone trying to cross the street or wait for a bus.




The green spaces in the area are abundant. Behind the neighborhood is the Alum Creek Trail that many people use to walk and ride bikes. Along the trail are areas to stop and rest. There is also a small play area for children on the side of the neighborhood. There are more green spaces than there are homes since this neighborhood was created by clearing trees. The development is placed in the middle of the remaining trees creating a quiet atmosphere for the residents. It is important for an area to have green spaces because it promotes a healthy mind and encourages exercise. Areas with plenty of green spaces also have less pollution and better air quality due to the surrounding plants.



The Traffic flow is light in the early mornings and picks up throughout the day with the heaviest traffic during rush hours. The street gets congested quickly since there are only two lanes. It is one of the major roads leading to Easton Town Center where many travel to for work and shopping. Since a bus route was recently added to the street, it has also contributed to the street congestion. The traffic speed is safe, and many adhere to it. The conditions of the street encourage people to follow the speed limit and rules as well. As previously stated, there are limited sidewalks, so pedestrians walk along the sides of the road. There are also large amounts of deer in the area. At night there are little to no streetlights, so drivers are even more cautious. Some ways traffic can be improved is by adding in sidewalks and streetlights. I do not think it would be the best option to add in more lanes, because it would take away green spaces and allow for more traffic and pollution to enter the area.


Parking in the neighborhood does not seem to be sufficient for the residents. Many homes have multiple cars and must park along the street once their garage is full. The streets are narrow, and passing is difficult when two cars are approaching on another. There is an abundant of space behind the homes that could make a great space for parking and clear the streets, but parking is prohibited in alley areas. This might be a rule to keep up with the aesthetic of the neighborhood and make it easier for the grass maintenance.


The neighborhood is accessible for persons with disabilities. All the sidewalks within the neighborhood are wide and have ramps. On the main street, Sunbury Rd, there is not much accessibility for anyone who is not in a vehicle. This would be difficult for someone exiting a bus and traveling along the street, especially one in a wheelchair. The neighborhood could be improved by including sidewalks for those without a vehicle traveling on the street. There is a bus stop in place to adhere to them, but nothing to accommodate them once they leave the bus.