Career Page


Mount Leadership Scholars Society                                                                         The Ohio State University

  • Leadership Training Committee Member- Brought in influential speakers and gave fellow Mounties leadership experience
  • Met weekly to become better leaders and global citizens
  • Year of Service – currently conducting 75 hours of service at Boys and Girls Club of Columbus
  • Legacy Week Finance Captain- Balanced budgets for three service sites in the Columbus area

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers                                                             The Ohio State University

  • Director of Professional Development- In charge of preparation for career fairs
  • Met weekly to learn from industry workers about Industrial and Systems engineers

First Year Engineering Project                                                                                    The Ohio State University

  • Led a team of 4 engineers to construct and program an advanced energy vehicle in a semester long project. Led to experiences in successes and failures.

Presbyterian Church of Wyoming Senior High Youth Group                              Wyoming, OH

  • Member and Senior Year Leader (2012-2016)
  • Practiced and refined leadership and people skills through working with peers and a range of clients on four mission trips throughout the US and Caribbean

Relay for Life – Cancer Research Charity                                                             Wyoming High School

  • Accounting and Finance Chair (2016)
  • Counted, processed, and participated in raising $55K for the nation’s only student run Relay for Life



Self-employed Lawn Care, Wyoming, Ohio

Lawn Maintenance         (May 2012 – August 2016)

  • Learned to effectively listen, and respond to individual needs of various customers in a given time frame and practice agility scheduling subject to weather, and customer preferences

Mazunte, Cincinnati, Ohio

Catering Specialist         (May 2017-December 2017)

  • Worked independently
  • Solely responsible for catering events, which is a new experience for me
  • Focused on customer experience and coordinated food supply
  • Cartwright_Malcolm-Resume

Artifact #4

I recently got my first internship, which some might argue is the first step in finding my post-college job. I was very excited, but it also confirmed my decision to go into engineering. When applying to colleges, high school counselors who ask me what I majored in. I had no idea, but I said engineering cause I could solve any problem involving math and science. I  didn’t know if I had made the right decision until this year when I started getting into classes that really interested me and I starting interviewing with companies. I learned about what my future might entail and now I am ecstatic I chose the path I did. I am also glad I chose OSU because they have the resources for me to succeed, and OSU helps me prepare for my future.

Artifact #3

I have done a lot of reflecting in these last few months since the second year is where you leave behind some high school friends and pick up even more college friends. I have realized what I look for in a friend and what I look to bring to a friendship. I look for those who I can trust and who make me laugh. I have a very busy schedule of lots of math and nonpersonal classes. So when I get out of them I like to have someone I can talk to classes about and then laugh my ass off with. When dealing with old high school friends, those are going to be my best lifelong friends but not for the rest of these 4 years, I try to keep connected with them since we are different colleges but still have so much in common.

College has been easier for me this time around because there were no adjustments. I have friends, I have relationships with staff members, and I have a knowledge of what I have to do to get a certain grade.

Here is a picture of my friends and me:

Artifact #2

Traveling the world has been one of my core values, and I have been able to do it a lot of it in my high school years. I traveled the Caribbean, Latin America, Northern Europe and the Italian Coastline. Both with family and by myself. The photo below was in Camogli, Italy, where a friend and I spent a little over a week learning the native culture and relaxing. I found that through traveling the world you learn not only more about the world, but also more about yourself. Like how much you are used to change, and how you can change your way of life to fit that culture’s. Traveling has given me the desire to study abroad or intern abroad since I know I can handle living elsewhere and I have a fond interest in other cultures, locations and people.


Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]



My current extracurricular activities, which consist of Mount Leadership, STEP, and Institute of Industrial Engineers fulfill most of the GOALS expectations.

In Mount Leadership Society, I am currently conducting my year of 75  service hours at the Columbus Boys and Girls Club. I am trying to be engaged in the community so I can learn about different walks of life and how it is best to interact with them. I also act as a role model and leader to these kids. It is currently teaching me a lot about to lead horribly behaved kids and try to push them on the right path so they have the same opportunities that I have presented before me.

In IISE, I am learning about the outside work world from professionals. In the classroom, you are usually taught a subject, while at these bi-weekly meetings you are taught how the subjects I’m learning will be applied to the outside world. At the beginning of next year, I plan to attend the IISE regional conference hosted at Ohio State, so that I can talk with other ISE majors and professionals from the neighboring universities.

In STEP, I look to study abroad in order to learn more about the world and hopefully be able to apply that to my future education and life. I do not know where I will travel to, or what I look to take away, but I will know in the coming semester.



[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


When I was trying to think of what was one of the most important things about me my mind went immediately to family, friends, and service. I looked through Facebook for a pic of my family, my friends, my service, but then I found a pic of both my friends and service. Knocked 2 birds out with one stone. The picture is from my most recent mission trip in Long Island, New York, where my group was serving those who were still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. It means so much to me to help those who need help. Now, it just so happens that I found an amazing group to go on mission trips with. Everyone in the group had similar values to me and was there for similar reasons. I was willing to give up a week of my summer because I was going to spend the week with some of my closest friends doing one of the most fulfilling things. I joined Mount Leadership Scholars Society because I wanted to find a group similar to my youth group and be able to continue to serve others.deck

About Me

Hello, My name is Malcolm Cartwright and I am Sophomore at Ohio State. My current major is Industrial and Systems Engineering. I went to Wyoming High school and graduated in the top 10%. I am a very hard worker who values success. I played two varsity sports in high school, which were Tennis and Cross Country. I bring competitiveness to all aspects of my life which can be a good thing and a bad thing. I plan to get my education is a decent amount of time while co-oping and studying abroad. I look to continuing my work in Mount Leadership and most look forward to Ohio State winning the national championship in football again.Prom 2015