

After two years at The Ohio State University I have accomplished a lot starting with being accepted into the College of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. I have completed many engineering projects through these years that include the Advanced Energy Vehicle and Train Design Project. These projects allowed me to understand many software’s like MATLAB, C++, Solidworks, Microsoft Excel and Word. In addition through being involved in the Green Engineering Scholars Program as well as being a mentor for the program I have been able to understand how I can best get involved and make a positive change around the community. With the different positions I have experienced the last few years including working for pH7 Architects, Vision Development, and Sigma Chi Recruitment Chair I have learned how to take responsibility for the things I need to accomplish as well as improved my communication skills. Lastly, participating in Cancer Research has required me to think outside the box to solve issues that no one in the world has solved. This requires a lot of time, patience and hard work. In my future career I would like to accomplish tasks similar to these where I have to think outside the box and have a position that I excel at like those that require leadership and communication skills.