Technologies to Scale and Transfer

Technologies ready to scale

  1. Solarization of nursery beds
  2. Use of insect-proof netting in a nursery bed
  3. Use of plant resistance to manage pests and diseases
  4. Establishment of seedlings in sterile medium in germination trays
  5. Use of Trichoderma in seedling establishment
  6. Hand pulling and spot spraying to reduce pesticide use.

Technologies Transferred

  1. Solarization
  2. Insect proof netting in nursery beds
  3. Establishment of seedlings in germination trays
  4. Trap crops
  5. Scouting to inform decisions
  6. Trichoderma in the management of nematodes of French beans
  7. Rouging to control viral diseases
  8. Spot spraying and rouging to control aphids in brassica
  9. Superior varieties and plant resistance in the management of bacterial wilt of tomato
  10. healthy seedlings
  11. Mulching (organic materials and plastic)
  12. Pests identification and scouting
  13. Pesticide handling and application safety
  14. Soil /media sterilization
  15. Seed treatments
  16. Crop/variety resistance
  17. Crop rotation
  18. Farm Record keeping
  19. Chlorinated water for shelf life improvement
  20. Protected culture (low and high tunnels)
  21. Grafting for management of soil borne diseases
  22. Plant extracts and microbial pesticides
  23. Proper pesticide rotations
  24. Fumigation
  25. Neem oil (Nimbecidine)
  26. Scouting
  27. Weeding alternative hosts
  28. Staking
  29. Pruning
  30. Proper plant spacing

Technologies Scaled

  1. Scouting for pests and diseases to inform on whether to start management strategies
  2. Rouging to reduce inoculum
  3. Spot spraying to reduce pesticide use
  4. Use of superior resistant varieties to exclude pests and diseases
  5. Seed/seedling selection for inherent pest and disease resistance and site selection to reduce pest and disease incidence.