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Monthly Reflection: September 2020

My first full month of college at OSU has passed so quickly and I am excited for what the rest of the year has in store for me. Even though the pandemic has offered a set of new challenges on top of the confusion and adaptation of college life, I have enjoyed my time at OSU and I have already learned a lot. The most interesting thing I have leaned so far is how neurocommunication works in the central nervous system. I have really enjoyed learning about graded action potentials and all the different chemicals that effect events at the synaptic level. On the 23rd of September, I had the opportunity to shadow a dental surgery where the patient was sadated and I was able to see some of the concepts I learned in class in a real world application. Moreover, this first full month of college has taught me a lot about myself as well. I have learned that I am most productive when I schedule my entire day the day before. I will schedule things like classes, study time, office hours, assignment dates, and basically everything else that happens in my life. This has worked really well for me and it helps me get the most out of my days. Also, I have always wanted to be an early riser so for the past four weeks I have been waking up at 5 am to get my daily workout in at 6 am. This has been pretty positive for me and I am starting to wake up before my alarm every morning. Furthermore, I have had my fair share of struggles this month because my first Bio 1113 Unit Quiz and Chem 1210 Midterm were in the same week and I had to learn how to study effectively quick. I studied for long periods of time but I can feel that I am not being as efficient as I could be. However, I did achieve a very good score on my Bio 1113 Quiz and I am proud that my work paid off. That was a summary of my month of September and I am looking forward to see how I grow as a person in the coming months as the semester continues.

About Me

My name is Bradley Butsch and I am originally from the village of Mechanicsburg, OH, a small community about 35 miles west of Columbus, OH. I am a first-year student studying Neuroscience as a Pre-Med student at the Ohio State University. At Ohio State, I am involved in the Environment & Natural Resources Scholars Program, the Doctors Without Borders chapter on campus, Phi Delta Epsilon, and I am a general member of Alpha Epsilon Delta, a national pre-professional honorary society dedicated to preparing students for careers in healthcare. My passion is in leveling out health disparities across the world; from developing nations abroad to rural communities in America. I am interested in exploring environmental implications to healthcare that put pressure on these developing societies. Some of the issues that I am interested in tackling are access to clean water, access to nutritious food, poor soil pollution, socioeconomic disparities in health, poor air pollution, and ensuring safe places to live. I believe that all these items are inseparable from a successful healthcare system because generally, the healthiest and longest-living societies are succeeding in these dimensions. I believe that healthcare can be a driving force that our society uses in the future to ensure equality of opportunity for everybody. I am open to learning about all medical specialties and I could see myself practicing in any specialty at the moment. However, orthopedics, family medicine, and general surgery are some that stick out to me now. I am drawn in by the technicality of surgery, but I also like how well a specialty like family medicine could fit into my goals.