
Global Awareness: On May 19, 2017, I will leave on my first adventure overseas to Finland and Estonia on a Global Public Health Perspectives trip. While there, we will examine public health in these two countries and how that relates to global health as a whole. Never having been out of the country before, I am excited to broaden my horizons and expand my knowledge and skills as a global citizen while learning about subjects that I am extremely passionate about. I have also declared a minor in International Relations and Diplomacy, and through my minor classes I have begun to develop a working knowledge of the world and how politics, the economy, diversity, geography, and many other factors play a role in how we function as a global society.

Original Inquiry: Next semester, I am exited to start looking for research opportunities in the field of sports medicine. Some of my fellow scholars have already found research at the new Sports Medicine Institute, and hopefully I can make connections with researchers and studies through them. I was also able to meet many people through my volunteer position at The James that can point me in the right direction when seeking out research next semester.

Academic Enrichment: Being a biology/pre-med major, most of the classes that I am taking/will take are difficult, but I am up for the challenge. This semester, general chemistry was definitely a tough course, but I am so happy to have worked hard to learn the material and get through it, and have developed new study habits and tips to apply to the rest of my collegiate career. I am also excited to take many of the upper-division classes required for my major to enhance my knowledge and have a strong, broad science foundation for medical school.

         DSWS Leadership Council

Leadership Development: During first semester, our scholars program was required to take a Team and Organizational Leadership class. During this class, we learned many leadership skills and how to apply them to everyday life. We also learned what our top five strengths are as a leader, which has helped me to enhance those and learn how to work with them in group settings to enhance our overall effectiveness and success. I was also elected to serve on my scholars program Leadership Council, which works to plan events, service opportunities, welcome week (where we move in early and host fun family events), and the family program. We work with recreational sports and our coordinators to continue to improve our scholars program and put on fun events to keep first and second years actively engaged in the program and throughout OSU.

Service Engagement: This past year, I have participated in many small service events, like volunteering at the Nationwide Children’s Half Marathon, different swim meets at OSU, the Dunn Dash Indoor Triathlon, and by participating in Buckeyethon. However, my biggest volunteer role this semester was at The James, where I worked on the 11th floor to help hospital staff with day-to-day activities. I had a weekly shift, and it was such a great feeling to know that I was helping to make the doctor’s and nurse’s lives easier so that they could just focus on their patients. I met so many unique people through this role and it was definitely the most rewarding. I am excited to continue working with the program this next autumn semester.

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