
Summer Math

Nearly halfway through the 8-week summer session, we’re starting research for the summer knot theory research seminar. We are reviewing papers by Flapan et al on intrinsic triple linking and knots with large intrinsic linking/knotting number. More on that if we can derive some cool results.

Last Thursday I presented to the summer “What is… ?” seminar on Rademacher functions. As my first mathematical presentation, that hour could have gone much better. However, as Dr. Bergelson says, it’s mainly a way for us newbies to practice giving presentations, so I’m not as embarrassed as I otherwise should be. (Event announcement) (Abstract (meh I’m still learning latex so I used a google doc *cries* ))

The day after, I was late to my half-hour presentation to the Knot Theory summer research/seminar on Conway and Gordon’s theorem that K6 is the simplest intrinsically linked complete graph and poorly introduced the arf invariant, after which my groupmember Ningyi presented the theorem that K7 is the simplest intrinsically knotted complete graph. Our third groupmember Caleb helped us out when Dr. Chmutov started asking hard questions.  Thanks Caleb 🙂