
I have been exploring academic enrichment, leadership development, and service engagement.  By scheduling and excelling in numerous honors, college prep, and AP courses I feel my academic enrichment has begun.  Through the Honors and Scholars programs, the opportunity to continue taking challenging courses in an atmosphere where students want to succeed academically will offer a benefit to all who are involved.

My leadership development began early.  I was selected as a squad leader in our high school’s marching band as a sophomore.  Since then I have completed three years as a squad leader.  In addition, I was chosen as a squad captain for Speech and Debate the past two years and a team captain on the Varsity Cross Country and Track teams.  Even with all of these positions, my leadership skills could become more developed and much improved.

Thanks to my church and youth group, family interests, National Honor Society, and even our school’s History Club, I have also had the opportunity to involve myself in a plethora of service activities.  From working bible school, cleaning up around the community, running blood drives, ringing The Salvation Army bells, and charity bike rides my service engagement has always been an important factor of how I live my life.

I will strongly improve on my academic enrichment, leadership development and service engagement in order to begin making impactful and healthy lifestyle choices if chosen for Honors and Scholars.  My involvement in original inquiry and global awareness will grow exponentially. I look forward to taking advantage of the opportunities that future programs will present to me in regards to originally inquiry.  When looking at global awareness, I am confident in the fact that I will look deeper into cultural divides and global affairs.


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