First Semester Reflection

My first semester at Ohio State was definitely a major growing experience. The days leading up to move-in were scary considering I had no idea what to expect and worried about the things all incoming freshman worry about: making friends, doing well in class, and getting used to being on your own. I definitely didn’t have the smoothest transition to college life, but things have definitely gotten better in the past couple of months. I now don’t completely dread coming back to school after a weekend home, so that’s a major victory. I’m still not fully warmed up to being at school, but I’m learning to capitalize on the moments I enjoy and to force myself to get to know the people around me more. I realize that I’m still very early in my college career and will continue to learn more about myself and grow. Classes were definitely rough, and I am already thinking about how I’m going to change my approach to content for next semester’s courses. I’m also going to focus on being more balanced with my time and using free time more meaningfully instead of going on my phone for hours. Being a part of Arts Scholars has truly been a blessing for me as it has already given me many fond memories that I’ll always look back on. It has also introduced me to my core group of friends at Ohio State, and I’m extremely grateful for that. I also appreciate that I get a break from my math and science courses and get to experience art with very insightful, talented individuals. One of my favorite experiences with Arts Scholars so far has to be watching everyone present their Engage the Arts projects. It was amazing seeing how talented my peers are. Some presentations made me feel emotional, and I was excited to share my art with a group of supportive individuals. As far as involvement, I would like to attend more fun events that are held every few weeks.