Feb 7- Hot Park (Water park fed by hot springs) Day 2

For our final day of the long road trip, we visited the largest hot springs in the world!  They have been turned into a water park with a lot of water slides, pools, and adventuring.  Driving in I noticed that the landscape looked a lot like the topography of the hot springs we used to visit on the College’s first year program in Ecuador.  We were definitely driving into a very old volcanic area, which is typically how hot springs are formed.  It was really beautiful, but had been commercialized including corporate sponsorship by the Cartoon Network.

We started the day with some water aerobics calling out the students from the USA!  They were nice and very enthusiastic for the warm up and one song.  It was then back to camp to go do their independent thing.  Yes, the Americans picked a spot up on the trees on a hill.  We couldn’t find any tables in the shade and someone is always sitting with the bags long term, thus we picked the trees.  Google Hot Park Caladas Novas for more views from the park.  Some students were very adventurous and took on the half pipe and big slides!

After the long day at the park, we jumped on the bus for a 9 hour bus ride home!  It was about 4:30 when we left and 2:30ish when we returned.  Brazilian time is always a little off so this was within the reliability range.  We did stop along the way at a store that makes traditional cast iron and clay pots, as well as our last “truck stop” along the way.  They are actually usually pretty nice stops with decent buffets where you pay by weight, so it is very flexible for the students.

The map, it was huuuge!

The map, this place was huuuge!

Mary has discovered toucans are her spirit animal.

Mary has discovered toucans are her spirit animal.



Doing water aerobics upon arrival. They did this at both parks.

Doing water aerobics upon arrival. They did this at both parks.

The Americans set up camp on a big bench in the trees. Sun is our enemy.

The Americans set up camp on a big bench in the trees. Sun is our enemy.

A picture of our camp from the outside.

A picture of our camp from the outside.

Lazy River time!

Lazy River time!

The last time re-boarding the bus after a late night stop. It was about 1:15am.

The last time re-boarding the bus after a late night stop. It was about 1:15am.

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