About Me

My name is Rachel Brackman and I am a second year undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. I am majoring in Health Sciences on a pre-physical therapy track as well as minoring in Communication. In the future I want to become a neurological physical therapist in order to work with patients who have had strokes to help them walk again and regain their balance.

This semester I am volunteering at Dodd Hall Rehabilitation Center. My duties include cleaning rooms, restocking supplies, and keeping patients company. Volunteering is one of my favorite times of the week because I get to hear these amazing stories from patients and I find the position extremely rewarding. Additionally, I am a TA for a Health Sciences Scholars class. I love being able to serve as a mentor for first year students and help give them advice on how to survive college. Lastly, I am an active member of the Pre-Physical Therapy Club here on campus. I participate in educational meetings, social events, and volunteer events throughout the semester to help support the club.

In my free time I love to read all different  genres of books but may favorite series would have to be Harry Potter. Also, I really enjoy hiking and enjoying what nature has to offer. I absolutely love it here at Ohio State and can’t wait to see what this year has to offer. It has truly become my home away from home.