It is hard to imagine with the snow cover we currently have, but spring is just around the corner! Now is the time to start planning for changes or improvements in your pastures for this grazing season. Hocking SWCD, Vinton SWCD, Ohio State University Extension, Natural Resources Conservation Service and Ohio Department of Agriculture will be hosting a comprehensive educational opportunity for grazers. This workshop series will begin the evening of February 20th at the Olde Dutch Restaurant, located at 12791 St. Rt. 664 Logan, OH 43138. The buffet will be available on your own prior to the meeting, which will be from 6 – 8p.m. in the conference room. Topics to be covered that evening include: The Basics of Management Intensive Grazing (MIG), Soil Fertility and The Economics of Grazing. Following this workshop, a series of 6 pasture walks will be scheduled throughout the summer in both Hocking and Vinton counties. These evening workshops will showcase a variety of grazing and conservation practices local producers are utilizing. There is no charge for the workshop but reservations are required. If you plan to attend or have questions please contact the Hocking SWCD at (740) 385 – 3016 or the Vinton SWCD at (740) 596 – 5676 before February 16th.