
The three Strengths I chose out of the five I was given are woo, competition, and communication. Though I’m only in my first year, I am aware of all of the internship and career fairs happening around, especially for my major. I hope to use my ability to make connections with people to make career advancing connections. I want to be more involved in starting to look ahead for my future, and I feel like this trait can best achieve that. Competition won’t necessarily help me academically, but it will push me to further my own personal goals. For example, I’ve tried a few times to go to the gym regularly but I always drop it a few weeks in. But since my roommate started becoming a gym regular, I’ve started going more and trying to out run her on the treadmill. It pushes me to be better and allows for a healthy competition, not only in gym visits, but several other activities I partake in. The last strength I chose was communication, and I think this can help both with my first goal of advancing in my future plans as well as my plans in interests outside of academics, such as the clubs I’m in. Involving my future plans, I find that enhancing my communication skills will increase my charisma when doubled with my woo strength. In clubs, I hope to move up in leadership positions in clubs that have value to me such as Relay for Life, Boo Radley, and Servitecture, allowing me more responsibilities and more experience in these roles to further make these organizations the best they can be. Utilizing these strengths, I hope to achieve the most out of the rest of my first year.