
Final Blog Post

In completing the ESEPY-1159 Online Learning Strategies course material, I have retained a great deal of information concerning technology and online resources that are available to me and can help enhance my learning and understanding of college material. In addition to the mass amounts of information that it stores, a main source that I learned about during this course was the internet and it serves as an effective system of communication that has increasing importance in society today. The internet is a very efficient tool for college students to use for communicating with professors, students, and other business professionals. Within access to the internet, there are many academic tools and resources that are available and should be taken advantage of in order to enhance academic success. It is crucial for college students to utilize the resources that are available to them in order to be organized, productive, and academically successful. In order to utilize these resources, listening and view strategies are key practices of receiving a quality comprehension of really any educational material that is being lectured, either in person or online. When using a database it is important to utilize all of the available research tools in order to find desired results that fulfill the researcher’s requirements. This includes taking advantage of additional result pages and advanced searches and effectively analyzing the reliability of the results.

From completing the requirements for this course, I have learned that I have certain skills that help me with managing my schedule, but also have things that I need to work on concerning completing assignments effectively with respect to time and quality. As a result of this course, I started using an agenda to keep track of my weekly assignments and due dates for my college academic schedule. I also include my athletic schedule with track practice and traveling to track competitions on the weekends in my agenda. Something that I need to work on that I have noticed from the activities of the course is making sure I commit to working on academics for specific time each day and not letting social media and friends be a distraction during that time period. The most meaningful experience I learned from this course includes the information that I gained from completing assignments about researching using online databases. I think that one of my greater academic challenges has been effectively researching for school papers and research essays. I find the large number of results somewhat overwhelming and difficult to analyze. From completing course assignments, I have learned ways to narrow down the search results to better fit the desired topic and how to interpret and utilize tools and search descriptions. This knowledge was the most helpful for me out of all of the course material that was taught. In the future I plan to continue using my agenda, throughout the remainder of my college career and perhaps beyond my time as a college student, in order to stay organized and efficiently manage my schedule. I also plan to utilize the online tools and resources that I have learned about in order to more effectively complete future assignments, research papers, and projects.

Module 6 Post

When researching a topic using online resources, there are many different analysis strategies and component evaluations to consider. First of all, when using a database it is important to utilize all of the available research tools in order to find desired results that fulfill the researcher’s requirements. This includes taking advantage of the advanced search tool. This allows the researcher to make the search more specific to their desired topic and therefore find results that better suit the purpose of research. However, for most databases, there are a large number of results, some that include numerous pages, that can be overwhelming and difficult to deal with for the researcher. Other tools that can be used in order to help narrow this number of results includes using ‘searching within the results’ tools and setting the scholar preferences to match the topic being researched. Researchers should be aware of the different components of the web search including being able to identify sponsor links, the results list, results descriptions, additional result pages, and advanced searches.

When considering actually interpreting results and determining its worthiness towards benefiting research, it is crucial for the researcher to consider three components of credibility: source reliability, information quality, and information utility. Source reliability includes credentials of the source which consists of looking for contact information and author credentials. Information quality includes recognizing the level of expertise of the writing and consistent and that the information is up-to-date. Lastly, information utility includes evaluating the information as relevant or not and appropriate for the given audience. All of these evaluation steps are crucial in determining the credibility of a source and is necessary for the overall research process.

Module 5 Blog Post

Listening and view strategies are key practices of receiving a quality comprehension of really any educational material that is being lectured. One of the more effective strategies to help with understanding a topic is note taking. Depending on the learning environment, a notebook or an online sheet will be ideal in getting all important thoughts and ideas documented. It is necessary, however, that note taking is kept organized and neat. Creating outlines with bullet points help keep notes precise and organized so they can be easily viewed later. Keep all notes for one class in a specific place, like a notebook or binder, and dividing them up by into sections by topic will also be necessary in having organized ideas.

Another effective to comprehending educational material is simply applying good listening and view skills. Some important techniques to consider include metacognitive, cognitive, and socio-affective strategies, which involve preparation prior to lectured material, focusing during the lectured material, and communicating the material after it is lectured. There are many online note taking systems, such as One Note, lecture recordings, mind maps, and wikis, that are available as technology tools to all students that can access the internet. Podcasts are other great learning resources that require the use of listening strategies while engaging in other activities. The greatest benefit in using these online videos and resources are that can be accessed at any time, they typically have pause and replay actions, and the visual and audio capabilities enhance the way students think and learn.

Module 5 Educational Video

In the educational video above, there is information that serves as an introduction to the different kinds of waves in terms of physics. The video begins with the instructor showing a step-by-step illustration of the general actions and behaviors of a wave. The formal definition of a wave as stated in the video is a disturbance propagating through space. The instructor then goes on to describe the two major types of waves, which are transverse (periodic) waves and longitudinal (compression) waves. Important concepts from the video include the fact that waves travel through a medium and usually involve the transfer of energy.

This video is helpful and relevant for me because it further explains the material that is currently being covered in my physics class. I have used Khan Academy videos in the past for the physics courses I have taken in order to gain a better comprehension of the material that is taught in lecture. I find the videos helpful because the instructor does a good job of slowing down the material that is typically squeezed into an hour lecture by putting it into multiple videos. The videos are very instructional in that they clearly narrate the material and neatly display images and diagrams to help portray the information.

Module 4 Reflection Post

As a college student (especially at Ohio State), there are many academic related resources that are available and should be taken advantage of in order to enhance academic success. In correlation with the direction society is heading in with technology, there are a multitude of online academics tools and resources available to all students. These websites include resources that provide assistance with studying, memorization tools for academic material, systems of organization for research and personal ideas, and many more. Some examples of tools that are found on these websites include flashcards, mind maps and timelines, bibliographies, online tutors and discussion pages, infographics, and group project organizers. An issue that arises, however, is a lack of knowledge from the majority of students concerning the resources that are available to them.

It is crucial for college students to utilize the resources that are available to them in order to be organized, productive, and academically successful. In order to this, students need to be aware of these resources. Before researching for online learning tools and resources, however, it is necessary for students to be aware of how to get the most of the online resources. This is all important because utilizing these materials will be effective in providing students with a more productive tool for learning. Optimizing the use of online tools will allow students to effectively learn because of the components of direct points, simplified knowledge, and organized material that is presented in the resources.

Module 3 Reflection

In addition to the mass amounts of information that it stores, the internet serves as an effective system of communication that has increasing importance in society today. As many different kinds of people use the internet everyday, one of the groups of people that are significantly impacted by the growing system of communication are student. Although schools of all different levels are frequently re-installing the use of the internet into their school districts, in this modulus I will be referring to college students specifically and how the internet affects their means of communication.

As defined in the course material for this module, netiquette is a description of the proper way to communicate over the internet. For the sake of a student, the internet can be used to communicate with professors and other students in an simpler but productive manner. One of the most commons means of communication on the internet is by email. It is very important to have proper formatting and grammar while emailing professors and other students. Communication over the web can lead to misinterpretations, so it is necessary to clearly address the purpose and content of the email and to avoid using slang or sarcasm. This goes for other means of communication over the web, including course discussion posts and blogs that are viewed by your professors and students. Where these guidelines are not as strict occur when using online school work programs such as Google Docs. In this case, students should still be clear and precise with completing work but can make more concise comments to other students concerning the material.

Overall, the internet is a very efficient tool for college students to use for communicating with professors, students, and other business professionals. Taking advantage of this resource will assist students with clarifying and completing assignments for professors as well as effectively completing group work with other students.