
What is Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)?

AFM is a scanning probe-based technique that can provide high-resolution topographical imaging of materials.  Besides microscopic images AFM can also provide information on sample stiffness, adhesiveness, surface charge as well as magnetic properties.

We have a multi-user AFM shared facility (funded by a NIH S10 award) comprising of the Bruker Resolve AFM, coupled to an inverted light microscope.

The Bruker Resolve AFM is especially amenable for biological samples and can perform:

  • AFM analysis in air and in fluid environment
  • AFM and fluorescence microscopy on the same sample
  • AFM imaging in contact mode, tapping mode and the new Peak Force tapping mode
  • AFM nanomechanics
  • Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)