Year in Review

My first year of college was exactly what I expected it to be- a learning experience. In high school, I took a lot of the same science classes I am taking now. I came into college thinking that because I had already taken these classes, I would have an easy time taking them in college. I should have not had this mindset, as my classes turned out to be a lot more challenging than I had imagined! First semester, I struggled to put the time into my studies as I was still adjusting to college. Spending so much time on school work has been a big adjustment for me, but it has made me a better student in the long run. Being in Health Sciences Scholars has made my year significantly better, as I am constantly surrounded by those who push me to be a better person and a better student. The lessons I have learned this year in and outside of the classroom have shaped me into the student I am today, at the end of my freshman year.