module 7

I had many fun assignments and I studied many things and I did these study to get resource sand i had to say these thing about different study websites. There is also another great resource called Study guide study guides on a variety of subjects. It shows the many different types of people that it helps contain there attention like people with ADHD. Or people with other situations that need a different approach to study it give more help.
This is a great website called Study blue flashcards, resources, study guides, practice tests. You can really type up any question in the toolbar and it will pop up. This website also has many different games and resources you can see.
Module six was a great learning tool for me it helped me learn new way to discover, search and research all the studies that were shown to me. The syllabus showed me where to locate all the strategies to research and different approaches to study and search different material. I had assignments where I had to look up websites evaluate them and then I had to describe them in a detailed fashion. I had to talk about the reliability of the website which I had to check if the website was created by people who had good sources. The authors who did the website I had checked had authors with Emmy awards and very goo credentials so that was a great thing for me. I also had to look at the utilities of the website describing the resources which would make the web pages easier to use like a webpage search engine. You also had to described how easy the web page was like to use I had to described the layout . my webpage I had looked up which was had many pictures with captions you could click on which would send you directly to an article. This a great thing for research also us easy to use resources.
Now I would like to talk about module 5. This module has a lot of note taking strategies that can help me later on in school. I learned that it is a note taking strategy called Cornell notes this is the most useful one to me because it so easy to use. The Cornell note taking strategy shows you how to place your questions next to your notes in a different column so this helps you discover the hard points that you couldn’t understand in your notes. When you place these questions in your Cornell notes you can always go back in discover them and ask your instructor later on about them that’s why it’s so nice to use Cornell notes. So later I will use the method of Cornell note taking I learned later on during this falls semester coming. Module 5 also showed me how to do video post which is also a very good thing to use. In the videos of module 5 it showed me how to take a better approach of note taking and not to get flustered over the information just take my time and use one of the new strategies that I have learned. i enjoyed studying and working in these modules.

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