Blog 3: Field Assessment

For building use Ohio State does an exemplary job of using all of the buildings campuses, however, the buildings on High Street are underutilized and harder to determine if they are in use. Also placing the Towers in the hills increases the aesthetic and allows the Towers to feel in sync with the surrounding area. On High Street especially, the setbacks are more pronounced compared to non-campus areas. The sidewalks on the boundaries of campus were significantly less user-friendly compared to the inner parts of campus and parts of High Street. In reference to street safety, one example we came across was the pedestrian overpass, which leads to the bike path, and by creating an overpass and removing pedestrians from the street it exponentially increases pedestrian and driver safety. For accesibility, The Shoe is a prime example of ensuring everyone has equal an equal ability to reach the love of football. After traversing the terrible sidewalk, the group discovered an awkwardly designed parking lot adjacent to the Towers, which could have had many more parking spaces or even not existed.

Building Use

 Sidewalks (People Path)

 Street Saftey (Propagated People Path)


Parking (Microscopic Automobile Daycare)