Module 5: Notes on Notes

The most useful thing I learned in this module is that note taking has 3 functions, providing a summary of key points, creating a set of retrieval cues or memory cues for information you didn’t record, and its an orienting task(Why Take Notes Video, Module 5 Powerpoint Slide 6) . I always thought of note taking as a means to meet an end, IE a test or exam. I used notes as resources for tests and shallow memory. Now I have a better respect for note taking as I can use them to better my understanding of class materials. I will use these ideas in the future as I will ensure my notes have all important details and have major points highlighted for easier cue forming and studying.

Some advice I would offer to students is to find what note taking strategies work best for them. You don’t have to use just one strategy, you can combine them to create the perfect setup. I suggest using highlighters or different colored ink during lectures to bring better focus to your notes. I also suggest trying out new strategies every once in a while to keep yourself from mindlessly transcribing information in class. I use a mixture of the cornell method, visuals, bulletpoints, and highlighting.

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