Blog 4


The most prominent player in this situation is Delta Airlines itself. They have the highest interest as well as power in the situation and value their reputation/how they are being portrayed on social media to a very high extent. This negative feedback could look really bad for them so they have a very high interest in the scenario as well as the power to fix the situation and make themselves look better. In addition to Delta Airlines, I would put the passenger/ composer of the tweet on the line between players a subjects, as not only did they have enough interest in sharing their complaint on an enormous platform, they also have the power to give Delta a bad reputation, potentially causing them to make changes.


As previously mentioned, I would consider the airline passengers to be on the line in between players and subjects seeing as they have enough interest in sharing their complaint on an enormous platform, they also have the power to give Delta a bad reputation, potentially causing them to make changes. However, the passengers do not have enough power to make any changes on their own, which is why I would consider them subjects as well. Another party that may also be considered a subject might be other airlines. Other airline companies may be very interested in seeing what Delta may be doing wrong in order to make sure that they aren’t making the same mistakes, but don’t have any power in changing anything that Delta may or may not do.


In this situation, the crowd would be social media users who may solely stumble upon this tweet while scrolling through Twitter. They don’t have a whole lot of interest on the subject seeing as they may or may not be Delta customers, and the incident didn’t involve them, and they don’t have any power whatsoever in making any changes to the company and/or situation.

Context setters:

The context setters in this situation may include social media users who may have also had a bad experience with Delta and want to bring any bad situation to light. Depending on how determined they are they may not have a ton of interest, but they do have a higher amount of power due to the fact that they could bring their own issues to light on social media and retweet/reblog others’ bad experiences as well, giving Delta a bad reputation.


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