Blog four

On February 14, Emirates Airline announced a restructured order with Airbus. They ordered 40 A330-900neo and 30 A350-900 and reduced their A380 order to receive 14 more. This is simultaneous with Airbus announcing the end the A380 production by 2021. The players in this decision are Emirates executives and Airbus executives. They analyze and project the passenger movements, maintenance costs, and fuel costs in addition to the cost of the aircraft to come to a deal. Emirates and Airbus made the deal to effectively close the A380 assembly line and introduce different Airbus aircraft into the fleet. The engine manufacturers are also players since they come up with separate contracts with Emirates. The subjects are passengers who care about the aircraft they fly on. The A380 itself is a marketing tool for Emirates. Passengers care a lot but have no say in the type of aircraft ordered. Another subject are the airports served by Emirates. They have special gates, equipment and staff to service certain aircraft, so they care about future service but have no say in the fleet changes. The flight crew is also included in subjects because they go through extensive training for the aircraft that Emirates assigns them. The context setter is the aviation authority of United Arab Emirates and the Government of Dubai. There are many accusations that the government essentially funds Emirates Airline through fuel subsidies, airport user charge, local tax and many more ways. Airlines such as Air France and Qantas and the US government have made claims. If this is the case, the government of Dubai has voice in the aircraft selection since it will be funding it directly or indirectly. They have lower interest than subjects and players, but it is relatively high in the context setter’s category. The crowd is the public including people who don’t fly and lower level airport employees. Most of the public couldn’t care less who flies what planes. Airport employees who service the aircraft do the job they are assigned to and the aircraft type doesn’t matter. Both entities don’t have a voice in the aircraft selection.


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