Players: The Players would be the Airbus and American Airlines. The reason why Airbus would be a player is that they supplied American Airlines with this aircraft and they have the power to stop giving American Airlines this aircraft as well as allowing American Airlines to test their aircraft. American Airlines is a player is because they have the power to not use this aircraft but this also allows them to use this aircraft for a flight that they weren’t able to go to before.
Context Setters: Pilots, flight attendants, and ground crew would classify as context because they could say that the aircraft takes a lot of maintenance and would be hard to operate. These people can tell American Airlines this and it could make the aircraft leave the American Airlines air fleet.
Subjects: The subject, in this case, would be the customers because this will allow them to see if it will open new routes for people to travel on.
Crowd: The crowd would be other airlines as well as other aircraft manufacturers. A reason why other airlines would be a crowd is that it will allow them to see if this aircraft can even work for them as well as see with their competition is up to. Also, this can be said on the same point of view as the other aircraft manufacturers to see if there is a market for this type of aircraft.