Blog Two

The longest US government shutdown in US history has had negative implications on the aviation industry. Because the federal government was shutdown, federal employees, including the TSA, FAA, and ATC, did not get paid during this period. More than double the TSA employees called in sick. The National Air Traffic Controllers Association president said there has been an uptick in young air traffic trainee resignation. Workers faced a second pay period where they did not receive pay and that could possibly have an impact on the US air system. There were staffing problems at ATC facilities that funnel in traffic into and out of the north east. Many flights experienced delays because there weren’t enough people to keep safe spacing between flights. Over the course of the shutdown, many ATC personnel received pizza from unions, airlines and other ATC employees from Canada, Mexico, and Russia. Industry professionals were concerned that the unpaid controllers had unnecessary burden in the already stressful environment they work in. The FAA employees could not authorize the entry of service of the Delta A220 on time, airmen certificates were not processed or renewed, and FSDOs around the nation were closed.

Over the period of the shutdown, many CEOs of airlines, presidents of unions, and federal employees voiced their concerns of the shutdown. In all, all entities involved wanted to end the shutdown. CEOs were concerned with the wellbeing of the national and international economy. US Travel estimated that the shutdown costed the airlines as much as $100 million a day. President of the NATCA said they couldn’t continue the hiring process of new controllers. He said ATC is at an all time low and the impacts of the shutdown will be felt down the road as there will be fewer and fewer controllers. Federal employees collectively voiced their displeasure by taking sick days on the days they were not being paid. All these actions are examples of communication. Whether the voiced concerns and the exceptional flight delays in the north east influenced President Trump is up for debate. However, the aviation industry has communicated to the government about how the shutdown is impacting them.



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