United Airlines Smartphone App – Blog 2

There has been a recent development in regards technology relating to passengers. United Airlines has updates their app which will allow passengers a better experience during their travels. This update comes with ” features a completely redesigned home page and adds an inbox, which stores travel messages such as boarding notifications and flight status changes, as well as a My Profile section that includes MileagePlus frequent-flyer program account information and United Club lounge passes”. These things are all updated 48 hours before a passenger would get to the airport for their flight. It will also continue to update with all relevant information in regards to that passenger and their flight. Things like maps of airports for passengers to quickly navigate their way around an airport to make a flight. It also features a better experience for passengers by adding the ability for passengers to watch certain TV shows and movies during a flight and allow passengers to update every part of their journey. These things all point to a better experience for passengers and an easier way to travel.

These things are all going to lead to better communication within the aviation industry. The ability for passengers to directly communicate with their airline service allows a better flow of communication between the two. The better communication will be a major bonus for the passengers and the airlines both. It will also allow for a better experience both ways, making it easier on both sides. Allowing passengers direct communication with their airline providers will help prevent conflict in the future, things such as delayed flights and canceled flights can be directly communicated to passengers instead of them finding out the day of or at their airport terminal. This also allows airlines to effectively put their brand out there. By offering something like this, they can stand out from the competition and maybe get more passengers to come fly with their airline.

United Airlines Debuts Redesigned Smartphone App for Apple and Android Platforms

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