The Other Astro Word (Feb 2023)

Written by Anthony Will

Happy (belated) New Year, and welcome back to “The Other Astro Word” – everyone’s favorite Astro Society Astrology Update! I’m sure all of you reading missed this article deeply last month – I spent January acting on my New Year’s Resolution to stop letting some silly stars guide my every move, but the horoscopes are calling, and I must write.
For zodiac devotees and nonbelievers alike, this blurb serves as a fun rundown of what’s going on in the sky, and how it may affect you, your friends, or the Fortnite Item Shop.

Monthly Update

For those a little more astrologically inclined, you’ll know it has been ROUGH the past couple months, with the sky littered with retrogrades and overall harsh vibes. February looks to be the opposite of that, as ALL planets will be direct, or awakened. The result of this is a month perfect for new endeavors, through your professional, creative or social life. Even in the drab grey of Columbus in February, you should feel a burst of energy pushing you towards your goals. Make it count!


With the February Astrology Update being the first of 2023, the horoscopes for this month will talk a little about what this month brings for your sign, along with what 2023 will bring your sign!

Aries: This month may show a change in your social life. If the vibe’s off, use this month to expand your social net and find others that match your energy.
2023: The year Aries… thinks before acting.

Taurus: You may find that February brings all of your professional goals and projects to the forefront. Don’t let it overwhelm you, everything that you need to crush it is already there.
2023: The year Taurus… cooks literally anything other than their comfort food.

Gemini: This is the month for action, Geminis! You’ve spent way too long chilling in that comfort zone. Use these 28 days to finally cross that one thing off your bucket list.
2023: The year Gemini… deletes Twitter.

Cancer: It’s a really great month for you to spend some alone time. Take a minute to touch base with yourself, and chart a course for your own development. Go easy, change takes time.
2023: The year Cancer… has more than like 4 artists in their Spotify Wrapped.

Leo: You know, I wouldn’t think that your confidence could be raised past its already extreme level, but here we are. Expect some luck in your relationship with others. Confidence is the joker in your hand. Use it.
2023: The year Leo… finds more role models than solely Sharpay Evans.

Virgo: The master of time management strikes again this month! This is a perfect period for you to prune your professional project plant (Got a little alliteration-crazy, sorry). I don’t need to tell you twice about wasted time- if you aren’t getting out what you put in, move on.
2023: The year Virgo… doesn’t backseat drive (as often, I know it’s hard to quit).

Libra: The time has come for you to embody your role as the life of the party. Your ability to shine in social situations will take the spotlight this month. Use your carefree energy and natural charisma to take some risks and have some fun. It’ll be worth it.
2023: The year Libra… stops falling in love with musical artists.

Scorpio: February brings a perfect opportunity for you to examine your home life. Look at what works and what doesn’t. Improving the unsatisfactory bits will help in the long run, just remember to think before you act. Avoid elevators. Please.
2023: The year Scorpio… shifts their cult leader dreams to running for Astro’s e-board.

Sagittarius: Alright, hero! You’ve travelled the realm and slayed the dragons of 2022. Now’s the time for the “return” of your journey. Reconnect with your metaphorical home village, whether that’s family or an old friend or an album from your childhood. The journey’s a blast, but having a place to return and call home is just as important.
2023: The year Sagittarius… spends at least one day without making plans with friends.

Capricorn: Now is a perfect time to tap dance out of your comfort zone. You may be tested when it comes to finances. Is the meaning of life found in your $2 extra Chipotle guacamole, or the person you’re splitting it with?
2023: The year Capricorn… gets a new haircut (cuts 2 mm of hair to make “bangs”).

Aquarius: Your real self is feeling claustrophobic under the mask you show to the world. This is the time to find the real you, and show it! Lean into a little rebellion, as long as it falls within university guidelines, I really can’t advocate crime on my second astrology article.
2023: The year Aquarius… doesn’t sacrifice absolutely everything for the “bit”.

Pisces: you may find this month gives a voice to your subconscious, whether through weird dreams, strange coincidences, or the ability to lift objects with your mind. Make a bulletin board of the connections with pushpins and yarn, just don’t freak out your roommates with it.
2023: The year Pisces… gets over their fear of being happy.

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